Mugen Train- One Handed

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Doflamingo put his snail back in his coat. He is standing on the railway, waiting for the train to come face him. Some may say this is suicide, but not to Doflamingo. He decided to settle this once and for all. 

He planned to crash the train. The passengers? Doflamingo didn't give a shit about him. He's here to kill demons, not saving civilians. If they die, Its not his fault. Its their fault to ride on a train filled with bad rumors about it. Victory cannot be achieved without sacrifice, right? 

He's here to get the job done and get out of here as soon as possible. He's not interested on protecting the passengers. Besides, the Slayers could do that. Instead of wasting time protecting others, its better to face the root of the problems first. That is much more efficient.


There it is, now...Let's see the fruits of my recent training. Doflamingo cracks his neck and take out his cigarrete box, take one out and light it. He can't wait to slay this demon and humiliated it. He's pissed, really pissed. He were forced to reliving his traumatic childhood again, something that he really wanted to forget. 

Huh, what's that? Is that a person? Is he trying to commit suicide? Enmu couldn't see the face clearly, but as the train gets closer Enmu recognize the face. Isn't he the Demon Slayer earlier? Is he going to try and stop the train? It's futile, you shall die in despair! Enmu said as the train is going faster than before.

This might be the craziest idea that Doflamingo had done in a while. Some might say this is straight-up insane. But who are they to talk about it? Crazy ideas is what makes him dirty rich, crazy ideas is what makes him a king. 

The train is getting closer to him, yet he still standing with  his hands in his pocket. He's not scared at all. Things like this usually makes him excited. He pull out his left hand from the pocket and started to tense his body.

"Ladies and gentleman, brace for impact!" He shouted as he collides with the train, trying to stop it with his left hand. His other hand still in his pocket. He didn't even flinch upon impact. He stand strong, didn't even change position of how he is standing. It looks like his training paid off.



Tanjiro and the others could feel the impact as they were almost thrown out of the board. It felt like the train is crashing against another train or some sort. What did Doflamingo pit against the train? Tanjiro wondered. The train is slowly losing its speed and momentum, but the train still won't stop.

"Still didn't give up? You should know the moment you cross me, you're good as dead!" Doflamingo then pulls out his right hand and hundreds of small strings form together as one string. The string then suddenly catch up on flames as the temperature increase instantly.


Doflamingo shoots a thick rope made of condensed strings from his palm and whips it at the target, the train. 


The burning thread cut through all of the cars from the front to the end like butter with hot knife. Now, Rengoku is speechless by the unexplainable thing that happened in front of his eyes. From the first car, he could see that Doflamingo hold the train all by himself. Doflamingo stopped a train using his bare hands, an impossible feat that were done by only using brute strength.

Tanjiro and Inosuke were accidently thrown off the train after Tanjiro lose his balance and before he was thrown off, Inosuke hold his leg so he wouldn't be thrown. 

Unfortunately, Inosuke slipped his hand and both of them were thrown. But Doflamingo in a quick succession, he launched some Bullet String that exploded into some sort of netball that wrapped them like cocoons. Inosuke landed without any injuries but Tanjiro broke his leg and stabbed by a conductor, he can't move for now.

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