Everyday Normal Guy

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Somewhere earlier.....

"Are you sure this is the way?" Zoro is running behind Sanji, following him from the back. He doubted that this is the right way.

"Of course I am! Unlike you that always keep on getting lost!" That hit Zoro deep in the heart. He wanted to say something before Sanji stopped dead on his track.

Its a dead end. There's nothing beside a huge wall made of brick. Sanji and Zoro knew that it was all just a façade. They could sense something is going on between those walls. Zoro draw his sword and slashed the wall, an opening were revealed.

Slowly, a house revealed itself to those two pirates. A house could be seen from afar. The house looked like it just go through an earthquake or some sort. Some 'curtain' is used to hide a house, why? They're about to find out as they sprinted as fast as they could. Zoro recognizes this as some sort of Blood Demon Art that specialize in illusion or some shit. 

His encounter with demons have him understand more about this art. Each demons has their own special Blood Demon Art that makes them much dangerous than your normal demons. He needed to be careful in this fight. 

Back to the current situation

"I'm sorry that I'm late, can you still stand?" Sanji smiled confidently at Tanjiro. It is simply unexpected  that soba man came to help him. Not to mention that he's strong, very strong.

"S-Sanji-san! You should get away! Its dangerous!" Tanjiro's caring personality started to kick in. Sanji just look at him with a 'bruh' face. He just kicked the demon that Tanjiro is trying to beat so hard with a single blow. 

"You're the one who should go away, kid. I got it from here." He assures Tanjiro and told him to back up his sister. That aside, what kind of adult leave a kid that really in trouble?

An arrow shot down from afar, aim straight for Sanji. Tanjiro warned Sanji, "Watch out!" Tanjiro thought that it was too late. Without Yushiro's sight, no one could see the arrows. Yahaba smiled from the distance, how dare he kicked him straight to the sky. It's an insult to him.

Sanji tilted his head to the left, barely hit the arrow as gusts of wind blew his bangs away. Tanjiro was puzzled, can Sanji see the arrows? If so, then how? Its simple, the answer is Observation Haki. Sanji could not see where the arrow is actually, but his Haki could sense the arrows and let him avoided it.

Yahaba did not expect that at all. His eye blinked couple more times, he is bad at fighting in close quarter combat. His Blood Demon Art really helps him keep his distance against his enemies. But with Sanji, its a different story. Fighting with a man who could fly, it is hard for him.

Sanji can close the distance with Sky Walk and evaded all attack at the same time. Talk about multitasking. Hundreds of arrows created by the Yahaba's eye, let loose upon Sanji. The arrows were targeted to obliterate Sanji, but Sanji is fearless even while facing it.

Using his Observation Haki, he could sense every single arrow even if he cannot sees it. He pushed himself up on the air, using Sky Walk. It's just a technique that has been rebranded by Sanji. Its real name is Geppo or Moon Walk. By pushing himself off the air itself with superhumanly strong kicks, allowing him to travel through, and remain in, midair for extended periods in what effectively resembles flight.

Closing his distance with Yahaba, he threw a handful of dirt and sand mixed together on Yahaba's eyes. Yahaba grunts in pain. His eyes were his weapon and ironically his own weakness.

"Damn you!!!" Yahaba were enraged. Yeah, what did he expect fighting with a pirate. They never fight fair right?

He cleaned his eyes, they were watery. He opened his palm, where is that man? He look to the left and right. Sanji were out of his vision. Yahaba could hear an evil laugh. A demonic laugh, he started to get nervous.

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