Entertainment District-Enraged

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Daki approach Tanjiro slowly, every step that she took were filled with hatred. "You ugly piece of trash!" She insults Tanjiro. Tanjiro braced himself for the next volley of attacks.

This time, the attacks were more unpredictable. Each time Tanjiro were almost close to cutting it, it turned soft, making him unable to cut any of it and it just ricochet from the blade and strikes again. The only thing that he could do is just parry or block. 



When the blade and the sash clashed, it bounced off the blade and attacked him again. It started to tire him out. He could only hope that reinforcement will come. He may be able to go toe-to-toe with Daki, but he's human. His stamina will only decrease if this goes on.

"You hideous bast-


What happened? Did her sash attacked her by its own volition? Seeing that Daki's own sash attacked her from her back. Daki goes on a trance. Tanjiro is unsure whether to strike or not. 

Furthermore, the sash that were severed by Law earlier all fly back to Daki, going back to its owner. No. Are they going back into her? The ones that were split of from her? Stand your ground! Control your breathing! 

As all of the sash fully enters her body, her appearance changed. She instantly disappear from Tanjiro's sight and suddenly appear on the rooftop, laughing by herself. From her appearance, she look like she just gets herself a power-up. 

 Her hair was white with a lime green ombre at the ends and was styled in a full, long ponytail and with kanzashi hairpins (three on each side) holding up the ponytail.  After her Obi sashes returns to her, black cracks appear on various parts of her body and Daki's hair shifts from black to pale white with lime green tips. What an ominous scent. Its making the back of my throat stings! She gained more power it seems!

"What's the deal with that sword?  You have a lot of nerve to brawling in front of my House! People like you aren't welcome here!" Their fight seems to catch a lot of attention as a Master of some House confronted them about it, telling that they made too much noise. Courtesans and customers were also interested on what's happening considering the eyes that watch what happen from the balcony. 

Oh no! We made too much noise and the people are... This people were on the risk of losing their lives if this goes on. Confronting a demon? Well, that sounds like a suicide plan. Tanjiro is starting to get worried. Will I able to fight while protecting them?

"Why don't you shut your trap?" Is what Daki replied. Tanjiro looked at her with horror. No! Don't do it!


Daki sends out her sash, which seems more powerful than ever, towards him. The sash moved in a diagonal way, all targeting Tanjiro and other buildings at once. Even though he managed parry it, he could only minimizes the damage had done. The sash got him as hisleft shoulder were wounded by the sash's cut. 

This is just little to compare from the damage that Daki had done to nearby houses that were accommodate by others. The Master that berates them earlier for making noise got his hand cut off, some courtesans and customers were killed in cold blood. The building were cut cleanly and diagonally while also killing several courtesans and customers.

After all the damage that Daki had done, she walks away like nothing happened. "Come back here! I won't let you get away with this!" Tanjiro still could speak after even when his grip on his blade is shaking. He can't get over the display of strength of an Upper Rank.

"What? You still have something to say? That's enough ugly one. The repulsive have no reason to live, anyway. So you can all just die and rot together." Hearing those words, Tanjiro could feel something inside of boiling with anger. How could you value human life as trash?

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