Hero Of The Village

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Zoro requested a map from Jizo which Jizo have lots of, Zoro opened the map and sighed. This map doesn't show the layout of the Wano, it's the opposite. He worried how others been doing right now. But if others also stranded here, it means they must be somewhere. He need to regroup and find a way out of here.

Before he did that, he needed to help the villagers with the construction. Besides, he also pretty much wrecked some of the town with his techniques, not to mention corpses of demons that began to turn into dust. According to Jizo, demon's biggest weakness are wisteria and sun. They cannot go out in the morning.

He came out of the mansion he stayed to help the villagers. He also met Shizu on the way. She seems to be giving meals for the villagers that joined the project. Zoro tried to avoid her because he didn't want to bother her with her work. But Shizu could spot Zoro right away from afar since his hair always stand out in public. It is extremely rare to find someone with bright coloured hair like Zoro. Not everyday you can see a guy passing through with a green hair around here.

"Hey Zoro-san! Where are you going? I see that you're awake."

"Uh...Yeah I'm going to woods behind the village to help with cutting logs."

"I see, anyway, would you like some udon noodles?"

"No need Shizu, I already had my breakfast earlier."

"Okay then, take a left and then go straight until you met a small food stand okay?"

"Hmph! As if I could get lost."

Zoro ended the conversation right there and then before going the opposite direction of what Shizu navigates him.

"I said take a left! Don't you get lost again you idiot!"Shizu screamed 

And he did. He did get lost. He ask couple bystanders the direction of the woods, and he still get lost. He just circling the village the entire time, until he asked the kids who just playing  by the town to get him to the where he supposed to be. After he arrived he gave those kids some candy as a gift.

He pissed as he thought that the bystander he asked earlier didn't know the exact direction to the woods. In reality, he just had a terrible sense of direction that a bunch of 9 year-old kids is much better than him, the harsh reality that he cannot approved.

In the woods, it is seen that there are dozen of lumberjack chopping up tree to use in rebuilding the houses. They noticed the arrival of Zoro and take a chance to greet him. Some offer gifts, which Zoro refused. He's here to help them, not to take gifts or boasts about himself.

"Oh our savior, we offer you our gratitude!"

"Thank you for saving my daughter!"

"Thank you for helping our village!"

"This isn't much but will you take it?"

They started to swarm Zoro and shower him with their gratitude, thanks and gifts. Some even wanted to introduce Zoro to their own daughter! Zoro felt really, really uncomfortable with them. He's a pirate, he used to getting insulted by marines or civilians, not gifts, praises and gratitude! 

"Okay okay people, I'm not here for praises or anything, I'm just here to help you all, that's it." Zoro rejected every single one of their offers and get straight into the point.

First, they didn't listen to Zoro's words as they keep bombarding him with gratitude. After Zoro sheathed his sword with a terrifying facial expression while asking them to stop, they stop bugging him immediately in a split second.

 After Zoro sheathed his sword with a terrifying facial expression while asking them to stop, they stop bugging him immediately in a split second

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