Entertainment District-Counterattack

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"I'm telling you, it was a thing like this! You know like this!" Inosuke started to make some weird hand signs that Tanjiro is confused with. He can't understand a single thing. 

"Yeah, sure uh....." Tanjiro is speechless. He looked at Inosuke with the signs of visible confusion.

Tanjiro and Inosuke had just returned from their infiltration. They were called for a meeting that was called by Law. Law wanted to know each and everyone's progress so far. They were standing on the roof of the House in the noon. 

"Uzui and Zenitsu should be coming soon to check in, so-

"Zenitsu won't be coming" Uzui surprised both of them What did he mean by that? Did something bad happen to Zenitsu last night?

"Zenitsu won't be coming, what do you mean by that?" Tanjiro ask in serious tone mixed with worried expression.

"I've been trying to reach him, but he won't respond. Probability of him getting caught is high." Law made his conclusion. The last thing before Zenitsu goes radio silence is when he said he might have found himself a clue. 

"By any chance, do you think that-

"He's not dead." Law believed that Zenitsu is still alive. The blondie is hard to kill sometimes. He didn't train that blondie so he can just die like that. If so, what was the point almost let him drowned?

"Think carefully, if the demon had killed him, it will be a pain to cover up the crime scene. Cleaning up will took a lot of time so it is very inefficient. Until now, we haven't heard of any news about any death like committing suicide. He's still alive" Uzui, Tanjiro and Inosuke think back. That made so much more sense.

"It already noticed our presence. It will be more cautious and tried to cover up its tracks." Law sat down on the roof, cleaning his sword.

"If you thinking of retreating, don't. Maybe it sounded tempting but is it really worth Zenitsu-ya's sacrifice? You said you've become stronger then prove it to me. I don't train you guys to see that you guys die in vain." Law forbid them to retreat. It was against what uzui stands. Uzui wanted the kids to leave because their rank is lower than him.

"You're right, we can't back down!" Inosuke stands up and throw his fist on the air, getting hyped-up for no reason.

"Aside from that, I feel that someone is missing. Did we forgot someone?" Tanjiro look left and right. He felt as if they were forgetting someone. 

"Dammit, where's the cook has been all this time? I'm pretty sure I ringed him earlier."  Law facepalmed. What happened to make him to be this late? He still didn't aware of a set pair of eyes who's been watching them, amused in everything that's been happening.

Fu-fu-fu-fu-fu, I wonder what will they do in this situation? Doflamingo ask oneself about it. Not that he had the answer to it. He knew their true objectives. Yesterday, he met Sanji and ask about it while he's being drunk with the ladies.

He wished to not interfere. He prefer to watch as the tension rises above. He already perceive the presence of the demon. More and more deaths in the district is bad for the House's business. If the House had problems with their earnings, so will Doflamingo. He can't have people screwing up his business can't he?

He leaked the information of a demon being here to the Corps so they could deal with it. He could have deal with it, but it would be too boring. Instead, making others clean up his mess is so much better in his eyes. Where he point, that where they go. That sounds so much better. Even better, he don't even need to lift a finger. It is so much amusing, its like the coliseum all over again!

"I'm here!" Sanji landed on the rooftop after he flew there using Sky Walk. Insouke and Uzui just watch as the perverted cook running in the sky and landed on his feet like it was nothing. They were amazed beyond words. So....flashy!!!!!!! Uzui screamed at top of his lungs in his mind.

"You're late, where were you?" Law is annoyed at the fact that Sanji's late. Unlike Sanji, Law is always punctual.


He smashed Sanji's head with Kikoku's scabbard. Sanji winces in pain. "That hurt you shitty doctor!" Sanji rant off to Law. He muttered under his breath.

"I got something important to attend to, that's why I'm late!" Sanji didn't lie. Having a good time with ladies all night is very important thing to him. Its a matter as important as life and death itself! 

"Sound-ya, Black Leg-ya, this night you will be in charge of observing Ryokogu House this night. Boar-ya and Hardhead-ya will be going to Ogimoto House when the night falls.

"Oi, you're calling us names already?" Uzui didn't like the name. He prefer Flashy names other than that.

"Don't care, do your job properly and don't mess this up" Law beamed his eyes to Sanji. He got a feeling that someone will screw up this time. Among all of them, Sanji would be likely to screw this up.

"Why not we attack right now?" Inosuke suggested. He is tired of wearing girly clothes. It didn't suit him at all.

"There's a good chance that the demon is working on the inside and cleverly disguising himself as human. Then it'd be more careful about killing people to make sure its cover won't blown." Tanjiro is sure that the demon is among the courtesans.

"This is nightlife district. It can be convenient for demons but it could have inconvenient as well." The demon chose a strategic place to live in but it has its own pros and cons.

"Good point, Tanjiro. You're a good thinker." Law praised Tanjiro to make such analysis.

"Everyone, prepare yourselves. Tonight, its the time for us to counterattack!" Law is confident that they could kill these demons. He could just do it easily by using Room, but it will attract too much attention as the mission must be done quietly. 

Fu-fu-fu-fu-fu-fu, let the game begin............

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