Infested Village

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Zoro used his haki to pinpoint the location. Using his haki, he was able to identify how many people.....or demons or what those guys called themselves. He's actually shocked when the guys he was fighting earlier regenerate so easily. Is it because of Devil Fruit? They also have fangs and claws, which make them look like a beast and insatiable hunger for humans, which is disgusting for him. What's good about human flesh? In Zoro's opinion, sake is much better.

He shakes off all those thoughts out of his head for now. Clearly there's something much more important, the girl's life. He rushes with a full speed through the forest, leaving dusts everywhere. Two swords gripped tight, untied hair, and bulging muscles ready for combat.

Shizu is running for her life. The village was overrun by demons and is done for. She's running to get help from nearest village, she heard about the tales of demon slayer. Are they real, or just a rumour? The nearest village take couple miles away, will she make it? Deep down in her heart, she thought of death as multiple demons chasing her."Help! Somebody, anybody help!" She asked for help, hoping that someone will help her.

"Back off! She's mine!" A demon shouted. "Like hell I will! Beautiful girl's flesh is the best! You're the one who should lay off! Another demon replied back. They clearly are competing for the girl, for her flesh. For demons, younger girls in the age of 16 or 17, the flesh is tender and delicious. "Sorry fools, but she's mine!" A demon with twisted jaw stretches his arm in the direction of the girl. Shizu close her eyes accepting fate, is this how her life ended? Eaten by demons?

A split second before her life was ended, the arm that was stretched were cut in half. A green haired man in a plain white yukata and a green haori appears with sword in hand. The demon with a twisted jaw tried to counterattack, but before he can do that, his head were gone. The demon is dead, just like that. Shizu opened her eyes back as soon as she realised that she's not dead yet. Is this man is one of those rumoured demon slayer? Now that he's here, hope for her and her village is still exists.

The demons stopped in their tracks. They knew that if demon slayer is here, they need to warn their comrades to attack them before they reach the village. But they sighed in relief, it's just one man. They didn't need to warn others. It's just a 'small fry' right?

Unfortunately for them, they are facing the vice-captain of the Straw Hat who singlehandedly defeated hordes of marines and pirates, The Pirate Hunter, Roronoa Zoro. After Zoro decapitate the demon, he frowned. Is there a stronger demon than them? They were too weak for Zoro's standard. Zoro wants to become stronger. To defeat Kaido and becoming the world's greatest swordsman, he needs to do that.

"You're a demon slayer huh? Looks like you're digging your own grave, we have you outnumbered." Says a demon that's chasing the girl earlier. It is the truth that they got Zoro outnumbered six to one, but they are clearly underestimating Zoro too much.

With a neutral look, Zoro replied. "I like those odds." Zoro put a sword on his mouth signalling them for a fight. The demons simultaneously charged at him all at once. Trying to get him out of picture before attacking the girl behind him.

A demon uses his long arm to immobilize Zoro, but he duck and slice the long arms with a single slash. When it's his turn to attack, he jumped to the sky landing on a tree branch. He evaded incoming attacks of the long arms as he slashes and block the demon's attacks since they can regenerate.

Ittoryuu: Daishinkan!

Using the trees as a boost, he split the demon into two before going for its head. Other demons attacked him using their sharp claws that are being blocked by Zoro.

Santoryuu: Tora-gari

He shake them off and goes on a killing spree as he kills them faster that human eye can see. The demons don't even know what's going on anymore. Their allies are being killed in front of them, they're scared of him scared for their lives.

A random demon approaches him with a club, trying to smack him in the back but before he can do that, his hands were cut off. He tries to kick Zoro but his knees are busted. Zoro slashes off his leg so he can't walk. The demon attack again by biting him but it didn't work. Zoro covered himself with haki causing the demon's teeth to crack. Finally, Zoro put him out of his misery by slashing his neck.

Upon seeing that, other demons lose their will to fight. Is this man a hashira? If he is, then they need to run. A hashira is more than enough to face hordes of demons, let alone a handful! They retreated back to the village. They need to warn their boss about this. They let the woman go for now, after they take care of him, the young woman shall be their meal.

Minutes has passed since the demons run with a tail beneath its legs, Zoro went to check the girl. "Hey woman, are you alright? Can you stand? You don't have any bad injuries do you?" Zoro fires a ton of questions to her without mercy.

"I'm alright, thank you mister slayer." Shizu express her gratitude.

"Slayer..?" Zoro's confused.

"You're a demon slayer, right?" Shizu asked. Zoro replied "I guess so." He didn't know what to say. For now, he needs to go with the flow of the situation.

"Then please, help me! My village was overrun by demons, the villagers are dying! I'm begging you please!"Mayuri begs to Zoro. Truthfully, Zoro just wanted to mind his own business, but the looks in her eyes makes Zoro surrender. He nods and answer with yes.

Carrying Shizu on his back Zoro asked her, "Where's the location of your village?" Shizu replied, "On the Northeast of the forest." But unfortunately for her, he's going to the West. "Where are you going, you buffoon! " Shizu screamed at Zoro. "What are you saying? This is the right way! Zoro answered. Shizu pointed at him the direction of the Northeast and scolded Zoro couple times because of his stupid sense of direction. Oh boy, this is gonna be a long night for them.

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