Death Run

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Is this kid serious? Law couldn't believe this kid. He knew that Tanjiro wanted to become stronger, but to have the guts to make Law his mentor. His wound is not healed yet, he wants to train already. He reminded him of someone of his caliber.

"Please! Take me under your wing!" He requested Law to take him as a disciple. He hoped that Law would accept him. He started to get anxious as Law said nothing. Law turned his back, he keeps on walking. Tanjiro understood Law. He rejected Tanjiro to be a disciple. Maybe he wasn't strong enough that even Law wouldn't bat an eye to someone like him. Law's a man that could defeated Hashira easily, he didn't have a time to waste on a kid like him, right?

"0500, in the northern rainforest. Don't be late." Law disappeared. Tanjiro smiled lightly. Does that mean he got accepted? He is so happy that he forgot something. What's 0500 mean? I forgot to ask him!

Aside that, he need to go back. Everyone must be in panic since he disappeared from the ward. They must be searching for him right now. As he is walking, a man is waiting for him. Haganezuka, is gritting his teeth behind his mask while holding on two sharp knives. Huh?! Tanjiro almost forgot about him. he's going to be in so much trouble.

"You lost your sword? Are you out of your mind, you fool? You deserve to die ten thousand times over!!!" Haganezuka's muscle is bulging as veins could be seen on his body. He took running start and dashed at Tanjiro at full speed. 

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please! I'm truly sorry!" Tanjiro apologizes to the swordsmith as he is running away from Haganezuka. No matter how Tanjiro tries to escape or hide, he can't shake Haganezuka off from his back. 

Law, who is watching from afar as the chase ensues. He knew what will happen, so instead of informing Tanjiro about Haganezuka like a responsible adult, he plans to leave it as it should be. As Tanjiro is running for his lives, Law on the other hand is enjoying it with a bucket of popcorn and a bottle of cola in his hand. This is fun.

Its either Tanjiro survives or Law will be looking forward to a funeral tomorrow. As it may sound cruel, Law doing this because for Tanjiro. The training is already started. Although the official time is tomorrow, what's bad about warming up before training? 

Although Law doesn't realized it, he inherited some of the traits of the man he hated the most over the years being with him. And that is being a sadist sometimes. Can't blame him though since he spent years being with Doffy. Law hated Doflamingo to the bone but he tolerates him for now.......

"Somebody, help me!!!" Tanjiro screamed. Law just laughs at Tanjiro's misery while eating popcorn and chugging down cola while sitting on a rooftop of a random house. As if he's watching a comedy shows while it is actually being a kid getting chased down with knives. 

While Tanjiro is getting closer to his destination, Haganezuka is also is catching up with him. Fortunately, his savior Aoi, opened the door and let Tanjiro in and closed the door right on time. Law was expecting more but it ended up a bit quick. He thought that the chase will continue until morning but no. 

He can't call that unfair since. All is fair in the battle. He watch as Tanjiro took a sharp turn and enters the door, out of breath since he's been running non-stop.


"If Aoi hadn't calmed him down for me, he would've keep chasing me till noon." Tanjiro didn't get enough sleep last night as he speaks in a tired tone.

"Aoi, thank you for yesterday" Tanjiro owes him one since Aoi had saved him from Haganezuka.

"Don't mention that. It was nothing." Aoi scoop another bowl of rice since Inosuke wanted seconds.

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