Enjoy The Little Things

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Law followed the Kakushis on the way to the mansion. Before they do anything, Tanjiro bows before Ubuyashiki and ask for a headbutt towards Shinazugawa. He still hold a grudge for the Hashira for harming her little sister. Law can understand that, everyone will do so. But confronting the Master directly about that? Law is not sure.

Tanjrio was silenced by Muichiro who throw a stone on his large forehead. Kakushis bow towards the Hashira for causing trouble for them. They apologizes countless times. As soon as they leave, Law can't take his mind off Muichiro. He's clearly younger than Tanjiro, how could he climb the ranks faster than that? What year did he join?

Aside from that, he thinks that forming a coalition with the Corps is a bad idea. He didn't know what is going on Doflamingo's mind. How Zoro could accept it so easily? They fucking employ child soldiers on a battlefield, something only a monster could figure out. He despises everything about the Corps.

He could understand if Doflamingo wants to form a pact. He'll use every methods that he could if it meant to win the battle. He live long enough with Doflamingo to understand the madman. That man is wicked enough to employ kids in battle to teach them how to fight. Like Baby 5 and Buffalo.

He go through alongside the Kakushi who is carrying Tanjiro. The entrance is empty, no one is there. So, they used the backyard. The backyard is full of butterflies. The name of this mansion itself is Butterfly Mansion, figures. 

On the back, there's also a girl that just stand still playing with butterflies. The Kakushi asked the girl if they could enter the mansion. The girl just smiled without saying anything. It leaved them confused. He remember this girl, it was the one that he tied up last night on the tree. It was awkward to find the girl here. Law do his best to avoid any eye contact with the girl. 

He is saved as a girl with a blue hair ornament surprise them from behind. the girl then guides them to the place where they treat their patient. From what the Kakushi say, the girl is known as Tsuchinoko, a swordsman under training by a Hashira. Only the one with a talent for sword could be taken. They're just apprentice. 

As he enters the room, he could hear a voice complaining. "Five times? I gotta take this five times? A day?" 

"And I have to keep taking this medicine for three months? If I take this, I can't eat anything, you know! It's really bitter!" Law shut his ears with his pinky. What a loud voice. It turns out to be Zenitsu, the boy who defeated the spider-demon. 

Law can't believe this. Is this really the kid who defeated the demon? From the looks of it, this kid is a whiner. But he can defeat a formidable opponent if he really tries. He just needs a motivation to do something.

"So you mean my arms and legs will heal just by taking medicine? For real? Listen, are they really going to heal? Tell me how they're gonna get heal! Somebody explain this to me better!" Zenitsu keeps asking questions. The nurse couldn't stop him from shouting.

"So that guy is still making a commotion." Aoi, the girl wearing the blue hair ornament shakes her head.

"What's gonna happen if I forget to take this once? Hey! Listen! My arms and legs! What's gonna happen to my arms and legs! Hey!" Zenitsu keeps going non-stop.

"Allow me." Law pleased. He goes behind the boy who is still whining and smack his head.


"Ow! Is that how you treat your patient?!" Law cringed. This kid is being loud as hell. If this kid is his patient, he already tape his mouth and throw Zenitsu's bed alongside him out from the window. He's very annoying.

"Zenitsu! Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself? So you did come up the mountain after all!" Did Zenitsu came up to the mountain because of Tanjiro and Inosuke? No, he just worried about Nezuko.

"He got stung by a spider and got poisoned. The poison can turn people into little spiders. Luckily I was passing by and able to stop the flow of the poison. But the result caused his arms and legs shrunk since the poison is still in him, it'll go away if you eat you medicine though, blonde-ya." He explained the cause of this to Tanjiro and advise Zenitsu to listen to the nurse and eat his meds.

"Anyway, if I were not mistaken, there's another guy that I treated. He wears a boar mask. Mind telling me where is he?" Law remembered the guy that Brook bought to him. That guy is in so much more critical condition than the crybaby blonde.

"Oh, Inosuke? He's right next to me." Zenitsu pointed at the right side of his bed. There, is a teenager wearing a boar mask.

"Hey, you're right! He's been here all this time! And I didn't notice!" Inosuke being strangely quiet makes Tanjiro didn't notice him.

"I'm so glad that you're all right!" Law winces a bit. That kid is not in right condition at all. Inosuke's right hand almost twisted from the fight and his throat is pretty much crushed. The kneecap is about to burst too.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't rescue you!" Tanjiro apologizes. Tears bursts from his eyes. Law hold him at the shoulder. It's not your fault, the enemy is too strong for you to fight against.

"It's okay, don't worry about it." Inosuke's voice came out pretty harsh. Like he just went through puberty.

"He lost his voice when his throat gets squeezed. I don't know much details about it, but he screams at top of his lungs before he fainted." Brook explain to him in such hurry at that time that he forgot the details.

They pretty much rest in their beds, sleeping after a long night battling demons. Law check up on them once in a while. He can't leave his patients unattended. On the evening, Tanjiro went in a separate rooms with Nezuko in box he is carrying. Law followed him unknowingly.

Tanjiro close the curtain as the dusk approaches upon the day. "It's all right now. They said you could use this room, Nezuko." he sat on top of the bed. His little sister came out of the box observing his big brother.

"I really got roughed up on Mt. Natagumo. To be honest, it hurts like crazy." He told Nezuko about the pain he's feeling.

"That's good." A voice remarked him. By the door, a man is leaning on it. Staring at the siblings. Tanjiro couldn't remember his name, did the man introduces himself?

"Use the pain as reminder of how truly weak you are. Use it as part of motivation to get stronger. Remember this, everything that kills you, could be use to make yourself stronger." Law gave the kid some of his wisdom of life.

"I'll make sure to remember that. Mister...." Tanjiro couldn't forgive himself. How could he forgot the name of the man that saved him and his sister?

"It's Law."

"Law-san! I'm truly grateful for your help! Thank you for standing up for my sister!" He bows down to the man. He almost forgot that this man treated him, protect him and stand up to Wind Pillar for his sister's sake.

"Take it easy, you're still injured." Law wants Tanjiro to focuses on himself first before others.

"Besides, I can't let that cruelty happen in front of my eyes." Law stated his reasons.

Out of nowhere, Nezuko gets up and hugged him tight. Law is stunned, he is caught off guard by the little girl. Law's eyes widened as his mind is confused. Tanjiro laughed a bit seeing Law's reaction. "She's saying thank you." Tanjiro tells Law who is still didn't get the grasp of the situation.

He hugs her back and pats her on her head while his face is blushing a bit. He do not know what to do in this situation. It's been years since he gets a hug. The last time is when he was a kid if he remembers correctly, with his mom. 

Seeing the chance, he free himself from Nezuko and went straight to the door. "Well, I got something to do. See ya!" 


He closed the door loudly. Tanjiro couldn't do nothing but laugh. Law leaning his back on the wall grinned. The siblings reminded him of himself and Lami, his little sister. Before Lami gets sick, he always busy himself with studying. His little sister always ask him to play but he ignores her. He study so hard until he forgot to spend time with his loved ones. Until his sister is poisoned by Amber Lead disease, it opened his eyes. He realized the error in his ways, his biggest mistake.

If there's one thing he regrets so much, is that he forgot to enjoy the little things.

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