Entertainment District-Fucked Up

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"If you go alone, you fucked up. If you went against the demon alone, you fucked up. If you retreat alone, you fucked up. If you went against the plan you fucked up. If you went and hide somewhere you fucked up. If you don't stick with your teammates, you fucked up. If you screwed up the plan, I will personally fuck you up." That is the ominous 'advice' that Law told them before. Such a good advice that is full of threat. Law later disappear without any advice just like Uzui. 

"Geez, that guy had some issues or something?" Inosuke can't stand Law's way of giving advice. Even though they'd trained with him for four months, Law rarely talked to them and prefer to be left alone. He only talk when he's giving some instructions in their training. 

"Inosuke, its not our place to talk about him like that. He must have his own reason." Tanjiro knew whatever it is, he must have a good reason for it. No matter how many times Law almost killed him, Law teach him how to be stronger and not to rely on breathing alone.

"Can't blame him, we always screw up his plan. My captain, in particular always doesn't stick to the plan." Tanjiro and Inosuke were interested in Sanji's captain. 

"Your captain?" Tanjiro would want to hear the story behind this cook.

"Yeah, me, the skeleton and moss-head is in the same crew." Inosuke had witnessed Brook's strength. How strong is the man that lead this three?

"He may be an idiot sometimes, but he treasured his crew the most. He won't leave his friends be and will help them no matter what. Even if the whole world is against him." Sanji remembered back when pick a fight against the World Government back in Enies Lobby when they saved Robin, or when his captain would starve to wait for his arrival back in Whole Cake Island.

"He sounds like a great guy." Tanjiro never met Luffy, but from the looks of it, his captain seems like a good person.

"He is" Sanji put out his cigarette.

"Back to the main topic, Law is always gloomy since the first time we met him. He only do something if the thing benefits him." Tanjiro take note of that. Then, why did he train us?

"He is known as Surgeon of Death, famous for his ways of incapacitating his enemies. I still remember when he incapacitate a whole battalion of soldiers of their limbs in one sweep." Inosuke were stunned. An entire battalion, in one move?! He find that hard to believe.

"Surgeon of Death? I thought that he's a doctor." Tanjiro didn't understand.

"He is a doctor. Though he had his own reasons when it comes to killing. All of us have a code after all." Sanji continued.

"We don't kill innocent civilians, kids or those who had nothing to do with the things we'd done. But that doesn't make us saints either." Tanjiro respected him because of the code they lived with.

"One more question." Tanjiro ask Sanji one more question before they leave.


""How can all of you be so strong?" Tanjiro wanted to know the secret behind their strength.

Sanji smiled at the face of the question. "We train like hell in order to become one of the strongest. We sacrifice our time in order to become stronger than ever." 

"But training isn't all of it." Sanji looked upon the sky.

"What matters the most is the reason, and the resolve to become stronger no matter what obstacle that you will face." Sanji is not good at giving advice, but he try anyways.

"Why do you want to become stronger?" He looked at Tanjiro, asking him.

"Some wanted to be the greatest"

A Cook, A Doctor, and A Ghost + A SwordsmanKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat