Mugen Train-Ablaze

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"This superb reaction speed of yours.....

*Bam!* *Bam!* *Slash!* *Bam!*

Akaza's fist and Rengoku's blade clashed, producing sparks and gusts of wind from each other's attacks. Both of them take turns on attacking and defending. They are neck to neck right now, if it weren't for Akaza's regenerating abilities and infinite stamina that gave him an advantage upon Rengoku right now. 

-and these breathtaking sword skills will be lost, too..Kyojuro! Doesn't that make you sad for a fact?" Akaza still tried to convince him into become a demon. He doesn't want someone of a caliber like Rengoku to grow old and die just like that.

"It happens to everyone! It's a fact of life for any human!" Rengoku replied. He embrace himself as a human. He accepts the fact that sooner or later, he'll die just like anyone. No matter how strong you are, you can never outrun death. That's the reality of life for any living beings. It's just that we don't know when it will happen.

Tanjiro and Inosuke tries to interfere, but was stopped by Rengoku. "Stay where you are! If that wound reopens, it'll be fatal! Stand back! That's an order!" Rengoku used his position as Hashira to give them possibly his last command to his junior.

"Don't bother with that weakling, Kyojuro! C'mon! Give me your best shot!" Both of them starts to exchange blows after blows, each getting more lethal than before. 

Akaza throws a punch that sends Rengoku a mile away, leaving him in a trail of dust. From the trail of dust, Rengoku appeared, charging straight into battle again. Using the momentum from his speed, he swing his blade downwards. Akaza managed to block it but is send flying into the forest behind him.



Rengoku without thinking too much, sprint into the dark forest. Akaza ambush him with a right swing. "Nice move!" He praised Rengoku for sending him flying. He smiled, finally got to have fun.

Their fight resumed. Rengoku swings his blade at Akaza. The Upper Three perfectly block it and creates a powerful shockwaves with his fists, blowing him back to train wreck. "Rengoku-san!" Tanjiro expressed his worry as he watch from the sidelines. He can't help Rengoku in any way because of his injuries. 

"Fight me forever and get stronger together with me. You have what it takes to do that!" Akaza keeps persuading him to take up on his offer. 

"Let me repeat it. I don't like you!" He stand up from where he was thrown.

"I will not become a demon!" He continued to stand despite his tiredness. 

"Flame Breathing, Third Form: Blazing Universe!" Rengoku swings his blade downwards in an arc. Akaza took a step back, his chest were slash to half and it healed back in seconds. 

"Magnificent! That's sensational!" Akaza were amazed again by Rengoku. Akaza tried to close the distance.

"Destructive Death: Air Type!" He throws another shot at Rengoku. The Hashira evaded that shot and counter back.

Inosuke, who was watching them sweat dropped as how fast and powerful their attacks are. He doubt that he could make a dent against Akaza. There's no opening. I can't jump in. I can't keep up with the speed of their movements! Those two are in a different dimension! 

Getting between them would means death! I can feel it in my bones! I can't move! Because I know that even if I jumped in to back him up, I'd only be a hindrance to him! Inosuke realized his strength is not even close to face Akaza. It only means death. 


Akaza were able to get a clean hit on Rengoku's eye. Blood is interrupting his vision. Rengoku ignored it and keeps attacking one after another. "Third Form: Blazing Universe!" He swing his blade downwards in an arc.

"Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation!" Rengoku swings his blade in a circular motion that is used to slash multiple targets in one swoop. He kept using all of his attacks as he could.

Akaza jump back wards an took on a stance, planning to use another one of his skills to since Rengoku is using his. 

"Destructive Death...

"Fifth Form....


-Flame Tiger!"

Punching rapidly at the target, Akaza creates a barrage of large shockwaves, destroying anything in front of him. Rengoku performs a series of powerful sword slashes that seemingly takes the form of a flaming tiger. 


"Did he do it? Did he win?" Inosuke hope that the fight favored on Rengoku. He really hoped that the Hashira would won. But reality is often cruel and disappointing.

*Drip* *Drip*

Blood drips out from Rengoku's wounds. He's injured badly by Akaza while the Upper Rank is regenerating. He looks tired. He gasps for air. Tanjiro watched in horror as Rengoku is losing the fight against Akaza. Rengoku has been pushing beyond his limit since the start. Don't tell me...

"Let's fight more. Don't die on me Kyojuro." He is not satisfied yet and wanted to enjoy this more. Rengoku looks like he's about to pass out but still standing strong. He put out a brave front. He won't show to Akaza a moment of his weakness.

"Even if you fight to the death, you can't win, Kyojuro. Those impressive slashes you inflicted on me have already healed completely." He showed Rengoku the wounds on his body that instantly healed easily.

"But what about you? A smashed left eye, shattered ribs and damage to internal organs all irreparable. If you were a demon, you'd heal in a blink of an eye. Those would be mere scratches for a demon. You can struggle all you want, but human can never beat a demon." It is true. Rengoku's injuries are very fatal. He could be blind because of the damage that Akaza did to him.

I want to help him! But there's no strength in my arms or legs. It's partly because of my injury, but this always happens after I use the Hinokami Kagura technique! Tanjiro tried to stop the bleeding by applying the pressure on his belly.

Rengoku didn't say anything. Suddenly, his fighting spirit increase drastically that Akaza himself were shocked by that. It's almost like Rengoku is burning in flames.

"Kyojuro, why?" Akaza cannot understand what is Rengoku is thinking.

"I will fulfill my duty! I will not allow anyone to die here!" I'll damage his body as much I can in an instant! Rengoku took one last stand.

Flame Breathing, Esoteric Art!

"What a tremendous fighting spirit! Amazing aura despite all the injuries! That mental strength! That airtight stance! You have to become a demon after all, Kyojuro!" Akaza ready up for one of his strongest attack.

Set your heart a blaze

"I'm the Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku!" He exclaims.

"Ninth Form: Rengoku!" Rengoku takes a high stance with their sword before dashing forward at high speeds.

"Destructive Death: Annihilation Type!" One of Akaza's most powerful techniques. Akaza crouches with both his arms at the side of his body poised to strike. He then lunges forward, creating two powerful circular shockwaves from the palm of his hands which he uses to strike his target with tremendous force.



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