Soba Vendor

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Tokyo is currently the most populated city in Japan. This city never sleeps, during the day or night. From street to street, a drunk man witnessed a strange sight occurred in front of them. According to them, a man is seen flying in the clear sky. The local thought that he just made it up, yet he insisted that its real.

"Are you sure there is a man flying across the sky?" A man with a goatee and curly hair asked. He doubted what the man in front of him is spewing right now.

"Yes! How many times do I need to make clear? There is a blonde man flying above me earlier!" Another bald man retorted. He hates it when his friend is doubting himself. Earlier, when he is strolling down the streets looking out for some hot chicks, a blonde man flew past above him. The sight to him was so shocking that he dropped his booze on his right hand.

Furthermore, that man also stepped on his face with a wooden flip-flops using his face as launching platform. The mysterious man stepped on his face and leave a red mark on his face that resembles a slipper. His face is currently in pain right now.

"Nah I don't buy it. Its clear that you're drunk as a skunk, you should get some rest." His friend assures him that it was just a hallucination that is playing with the bald man's mind.

"*Hick* I'm sure as hell that I'm not *Hick* drunk!" The bald man tried to hide it. His friend just look at him and facepalmed. The bald man is surely a bad liar.

At another place

Currently, Sanji is busy looking at the food the street vendor in Tokyo  had to offer. He is amazed by the variety of choices the vendor had to offer. He would definitely take every chances that he got to live up this moment.

However, he got one problem. This place is not using silver and gold as currency. It uses Yen as currency, which is almost the same as Beli. Like 200 Yen is the same as 200 Yen. Sanji can easily understand the currency system much easier.

He don't have any of that currency. The only thing he brought with him is pouch full of silver and gold coins. Where he got it? He looted the soldiers who were sent by Kaido and Orochi. (Refers to Prologue)

He wanted to change half of the contents of the pouch into Yen. He's not like his captain, who simply run amok every time he sees a pile of food. Luffy always dine 'n' dash each time he arrives in a different island. Which  brought attention all over and alerting the navy.

He look around and found himself a pawn shop, a huge one. He guessed that the owner of this place is really a successful businessman. He enters the shop to be greeted with a smile by the cashier who also turned out to be the owner of the pawn shop. 

"Welcome to Leyasu's Pawn Shop, how may I help you?" The owner of the shop asked.

Sanji replied, "I would like to pawn these for some cash please." He take out the pouch and and put some coins on the table. The owner was shocked to see many gold and silver coins that this man has. His eyes turn into Yen symbol just by looking at it.

"How much can I get for these?" The cook asked. The owner resurfaced back to the real world with a wide smile. He realized that his customer is big fish. 

"Wait for a minute will ya?" The owner went under the cashier's desk and take couple stacks of cash. He push the stacks of cash to Sanji.

"This is how much I can give to you right now. More, and my store will got bankrupt." The owner said in a honest tone. What he said is the truth. Because of his gambling addiction, he's currently knee in debt. Buying this guy's gold coins would definitely clear his debt and make him some profits.

Sanji took it without much hesitation. On the way out, something shine in his eyes. It is something that he would love to have. He got one back in Flower City, he would love to have another one here.

"Hey old man, is there anyone interested in that cart?" Sanji points at the cart. It looks worn but it still looks that it could stand.

"That cart? A guy sold it to me for a low price. Until now, no one wants it. Its just taking space in my shop." The owner answered with an annoyed tone.

"How much do you want for it, old man?" Sanji negotiated the price for the cart.

"If you want it that much, just take it." The owner didn't care that much.

"Really?" A smile appeared on Sanji's face.

"Yeah, just take it. It's just some deadweight in my store. I would appreciate it if you take it out." The owner would be glad if Sanji wanted to take it out. He already tried to get rid of it, but no one is interested in an old cart. Even if he charged a low price on it.

"Think of it as bonus, okay? It's a pleasure doing business with you." The owner swoop the coins faster than wind.

"Thanks old man." Sanji leaves while taking the cart with him.

"I'm not that old! I just entered my 40 this year!" The owner complained. He's getting angrier and angrier each time Sanji called him old man.

Sanji just laughs hearing the old man man behind him complained. The money that he got earlier is quite a lot. He thanked the idiots that he looted back in the cave earlier. He used the money to fix the cart to his liking.

The cart is as good as new. He's not a good craftsman, but he could tweak some things by himself if he wanted to. He also buy some ingredients for making Soba noodles. The remaining money that's left is saved for the future.

He has no idea where he should start his business. In the middle of the city sounds good to get a lot of customers. However, there is a lot of street vendors that would mean a hard competition. He just wanted to cook without overthinking about other stuff and that means, outside of the city. Not outside, but a place that's not overcrowded with  people.

The place is a bit dim without little to no light. There are rarely people goes here. But Sanji chooses this place to start up his business. The fragrance of his cooking attracted a kid. 

"One bowl of Soba please!" The kid speaks politely.

"Coming right up!" Sanji replied with a smile. The kid had weird looking earring  and a huge wooden box behind him. 

Who knows that Tanjiro came to ate at his vendor?

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