The Terrible Duo

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Sanji and Zoro is now back at Sanji's soba stand. Sitting on a public bench, they tried to understand the current situation. Sanji then served a bowl of soba noodles for Zoro. Which Zoro gladly accepts. Zoro ran out of money, so that's why he decided to gamble so he can buy some food for himself. 

Rumors about him destroying the whole gambling house has been spreading like a wildfire not so long. It's been couple hours and the rumor already started going haywire. While Zoro did not to be marked just like back in Wano. Well too bad for him that the Yakuza already hunting for him.

"Moss-head, can you tell me about this place?" Sanji wanted to know that truth. This place is clearly not like Wano. It is much advanced than Wano. No to mention that this place is larger than the capital city of Wano.

Zoro  heads toward the table the table of the vendor and spread out a map. Sanji comes closer to Zoro to se the content of the map. His eyes cannot believe what he's seeing right now. The geographical landscape of this place is far different from Wano.

"As you can see, we're not in Wano. We're currently in a country called Japan. It is much to my surprise that both similar in any way."  Zoro sat beside Sanji and start slurping the noodles without any manners. Typical pirates.

"There might be possibilities that we're not in Grand Line anymore." Zoro continued.

"What makes you say that moss-head?" Sanji questioned that.

"Along the way, I already asked some idiots. They've never even heard of Grand Line before and it's the first time they heard of it." Zoro put the empty bowl aside.

"There's two possibilities, whether we're in some kind of uncharted place, or-

"Another world....." Sanji cuts Zoro off. He started to get the glimpse of the situation. If so, that explains why there's no Kaido, there's no Orochi, there's no Animal Beast Pirates.

"I'm not not done yet talking, listen carefully!" Zoro hates it when someone cuts him off. Sanji shifted his attention to Zoro. He might have a useful information that is vital for their survival in this brand new world.

"In this world, there are no such thing as devil fruits. However, demons exists in this world." Zoro told him about the existence of demons. The vile creature of the night.

"Demons?" Sanji started to get interested.

"Think of them as monsters. They prey on human flesh at night. A creature that is extremely dangerous because of their strength. Quite a hassle, really." Zoro take a sip of sake, refreshing.

"They are not that hard to beaten in terms of strength but their regenerative abilities. They can heal any injuries instantly that has been inflicted to them." Zoro clicked his tongue. They are an absolute pain in the ass sometimes.

"Do they have any weakness?" Sanji freely asked. Everything has its weakness, even the Four Emperors themselves has one. 

"Sunlight and Wisteria flowers. They also died if they got decapitated." Zoro stated their weakness that he knew so far.

"In other words, they're just vampires right? So that's why they attacked only at night." Sanji understood. He never fought with someone who got an incredible regeneration abilities.

"You finally got it perverted cook." Zoro grinned. That surely ticked Sanji off. He hates being called perverts even though he is one.

Sanji's full of tick marks on his forehead. The veins of his face is clearly bulging, yet he still keep his calm demeanor and strikes back. "I caught up quick unlike you, O national treasure." Now Zoro's the one whose facial expression changed. 

For those who didn't knew, moss is designated as a national treasure and believed to bring good luck. Sanji then taunts Zoro by showing a shitty grin. Zoro respond, "What did you call me?! You're the one that should be protected. Your curly eyebrow itself is a miracle that has been bestowed upon this world."

"Cu-curly eyebrows? That's it you wanna go?!" Sanji stand up for himself.

"Oh it's on, Mr. Prince!" Zoro insults Sanji one more time. His blade is ready to clash. He's not going to be scared by some shitty pervert that is only good for cooking.

As the fight started to broke out between those two, both of them could sense something is going on back then. Looks like they need to resume their fight later. There is something is going on, its a fight. Not a normal one. Zoro decided to take a lead and find where is the fight is happening. Sanji stops him, "Stop it you stupid moss head. You will only get lost!"

"Follow me!" Sanji uses Sky Walk and try to find where did the fight broke.

"I don't take orders from the likes of you!" Zoro's ego is showing. He refuses to follow Sanji but there's not much of a choice right now. For now, he'll follow even though his ego screams to not do it.

Tanjiro is out of breath. He's been using breathing techniques continuously to avoid getting thrown by the arrow demon for some time. He's getting more tired every single second. The demon has been throwing him into random direction countless times and Tanjiro's been using his water breathing to land safely.

It has been tiring him. Multiple bones in his body is broken. He tries to minimize every single movement to prevent himself from hurting more that it already did. Nezuko is proving herself to be a worthy opponent against Susamaru, a female demon that use hand ball as weapons.

The fight is getting more intense. The closer Tanjiro gets to Yahaba, the demon spams as much as he could. The arrows might not be accurate, but just the sheer amount of it makes it hard for Tanjiro. He could dodge some of them but there's always couple arrows that able to slip and push him away from the demon.

Even when odds are against him, Tanjiro keeps pushing. He'll never give up no matter what. For his little sister, he would give everything for her happiness. Tanjiro's stamina is depleting as arrows keep shooting from Yahaba. Thanks to Yushiro's Blood Demon Art, he could see the arrows clearly now.

"You're putting quite a fight little kid. But I'm afraid that this is the end for you." Yahaba eyes started to blink more and more. Tanjiro readied himself for another attack. 

"Oi! May I join the fight?" Out of sudden, a voice booming loud from the sky. Tanjiro look up in the sky. Under the shine of the bright moonlight, a blonde man is seen flying in the sky. Tanjiro could not believe his eyes, it was the soba man from the earlier!

Sanji landed in front of Yahaba, he is shocked and were caught of guard. Sanji widely smiled and launched a kick right under Yahaba's pale neck.

"Collier Shoot!"

Yahaba was sent flying in the sky. Tanjiro's jaw fell to the ground.

"Ehhhhhhhh?!" He knew that the Soba man is extremely strong, but not this strong!

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