How The Doctor Got It's Name

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Law always wonder why did he got a bad luck, he questions it. Every time he planned something it never go his way. As long as a variable called Luffy exists in this world, everything that he plan will crumble down to ashes. And now he's in an abandoned mansion, that turned out to be some kind of nests that filled to the brim with monsters.

This monsters cried 'food' whatever they sees him. What in the world is happening. Is people of Wano is resulting to cannibalism because of the lack of food? Thankfully, he's wrong. They're just some strange creatures that is far from being a human. They've got claws, sharp teeth, abnormal strength and a huge appetite for human flesh.

From the looks of it, they look like those who have eaten a Zoan-type devil fruit. Are they part of Gifters or something? Of course Zoan-type will make the users have a certain animalistic habits but what kind of creatures would yearn for human flesh that badly? He's extremely pissed as this monsters keep pestering him. Not to mention they have a significant regeneration speed.

Roaming the hallways, searching for the exit to get out of this place. The mansion is like a maze, where the hell is the exit? As he's searching for the exit monsters wouldn't let them go that easily.

"There he is! Don't let him get away!"

"Don't think you can get out alive!"

"Fresh meat is always the best!"

Demons pursuing him left and right.  He didn't want any trouble, he wanted to get out and lay low. These guys is pushing him, wanted to commit suicide going against them. Well, so be it.


A huge blue domain covered the whole place. They were confused, is this some kind of barrier or something. They shrug it of and assaulted him upfront. Law madly grinned, how stupid of them. They willingly enter his domain without a slightest suspicion. Oh how stupid of them.

Law sheathed his Kikoku out of the scabbard. He pointed it at those demons. Then, he throws a couple slashes towards them. The demons look at Law with a cocky expression, did this man is too scared that he start to go crazy? What is he doing slashing the air? He's going to be an easy target tonight. They thought.

They slowly began to realize, their legs is not moving anymore. Why do they feel so light? What happened? Why do they feel so heavy. How did their heads simply floated in the air. All 7 demons, starts panicking. Their bodies have been cut into pieces. The main problem is that they did not regenerate their parts like earlier. They can't regenerate, their heads has been cut cleanly. No blood spurts out, and they didn't die. Not yet.

Parts fall down to the ground. Law is intrigued, they never had eaten devil fruit. Yet they were blessed with unnatural strength and abilities that could rival a regular Gifters. Law injected a powerful sedation to each of them that's enough to knock down a whole elephant, and yet he doubled the dose. Just as precaution. He still don't know what these guys are capable of.

He injected the syringe onto them one by one, they passed out. Law simply assembled some of the body parts that he cut just like playing with Lego. He did not fully assembled it so they cannot run from him. He simply installed their torso and the leg without the limbs. It would be a pain if they run.

One moment later

A demon opened his eyes. Where is he? The last thing that he remember is that he was injected with a syringe that blacks him out. He wanted to move, but he noticed that his limbs were gone. Blood didn't pour out of his limbs as he imagined nor did it regenerate back. All of his thoughts were ignored as the man that he was chasing earlier approached him. He can't do anything since he was tied up in a metal chain.

Law take a glace at him, "Oh, you're awake. I didn't expect you to wake up this early. Well, that'll make my job a hell of out easier." He take a scalpel from the table. He didn't bother to sterelize it. They have an insane regeneration abilities right?

"Just wait, when I got my hands on you, you'll regret ever crossing me!" He warns Law. Law didn't give a fuck about that, they messed with him first. He doesn't care about it anymore, he got a specimen to dissect.

"What are you going to do to me?! Where are my comrades?!" The demon throw more and more questions. Annoyed, Law slams him directly in the face coated with haki. That'll make him learn his place.


His face were caved in to the ground. The demon groaned in pain, "You better keep quiet if you don't want to share the same fate like them." Law opened a door that leads to another room. In that room, bodies of demons were presented in terrifying condition.

Law found out that their weakness is a compound that is found in Wisteria flowers after hours of tweaking with them. He tested countless compounds of chemical to his guinea pig to find out what makes them tick. He find out that they have a lot of similarities with vampires, their weakness is sunlight. Minus the garlic of course. They called themselves demons, they work for their progenitor and for some reasons, they can't say their name, or else they'll be dead.

Unlike vampires who drink blood to satisfy their hunger, demons eat humans as food source. They eat humans not because they need to, they eat humans to become stronger. Not to mention their hunger for flesh make them crazier for it.

"Let's see how long you'll last." Law put up a new gloves and multiple tools for surgery. How did he got those? He's a doctor, what did you expect? He bring his tools everywhere he goes.

"Shall we begin?" Law grinned madly. This is the other side of him that he hide from others. When his curiosity get the best of him, he act like a mad doctor. For years, he has been hiding it from everyone including his crewmates.

Terrifying scream terrorizes that night. The demon hope for other demons to come and assist him, but it was futile anyway. No one can escape when Law pulled out his blue domain.

From what other demons had informed him, he's not on Wano anymore nor Grand Line. Where is he? His thoughts sink as he wanted to enjoy the moment he is currently having. When Law is curious, nothing can stop him. That's how he got the name of Surgeon Of Death in the first place.


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A Cook, A Doctor, and A Ghost + A SwordsmanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon