A Huge Gamble

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The fight is getting intense, the sound of blades clashing is getting louder every second. The jizou mimic is very fast and is hard to hit while the Buddha mimic is pretty slow. Even though it is slow, is sure packs a punch in every single blow so far. A single blow, even if it's blocked, sent Tanjiro crashing away.

Inosuke is having a really bad time. He can't hit his target and he's pissed. He madly goes on a rampage and starts slashing everywhere. It didn't hit anything and only damaging other people property. Tanjiro has dried his throat to forbid Inosuke to did that, but it was too late. The whole place is a mess tonight.

The Buddha attack with his huge hand, Tanjiro jumped towards it and climbed the Buddha from its arms. It tries to shake Tanjiro off but somehow, he manage to still be on top of its forearms. Tanjiro take a deep breath, wanting to end this charade now.

"Water Breathing: Fourth Form, Striking tide!"

Tanjiro makes multiple consecutive slashes while twisting their body and sword in a flowing fashion to deliver multiple blows. It hit right in the torso, but the cut is too shallow.  The Buddha groans in pain, it throws more randomized attack without any care about people's property. If you wonder why its chaotic and nobody even noticed it because from the street, the battle changes location from the street to docks.

With Inosuke, it hasn't been so well. His body has claw marks everywhere. The demon is too fast for him. Inosuke is getting annoyed every second he's fighting this guy. He wanted to explode so bad.

"Stop moving around damnit!" Inosuke roars.

"Aww, what's wrong? Did the little piggy want to cry?" the jizou mimic mocked him.

"What did you say you shitty statue?!" Inosuke mocks him back.

"Who're you calling a freaking statue huh?!" That stung him a bit. He did act like a statue with his Blood Demon Art. So that felt personal to him.

"Who're you calling little piggy?!" Inosuke throw a similar question at it.

The mimic cannot hold it any longer, it proceeds to lunge at Inosuke. Mimic focuses all his strength in its arms and cut Inosuke in his torso. The mimic smirks thinking he had him. Just then, his smirk turn into shock.

Before the mimic had even a chance to pierce his heart, Inosuke stops it by using his stomach as a leverage. How could he not die yet? the mimic thought.

Inosuke smiles to the mimic before spitting blood on its face. He strengthened his grab on mimic's claw so it could not pull it out. He take a deep breathe in, signaling the mimic its death soon.

"You didn't expect this do you?" Inosuke asked.

"How did you not die?!" Mimic was left clueless.

"It'll take more than that to kill me! Nyahahaha!" Inosuke try to put up a tough act. The wound hurts like hell. He's lucky that it didn't hit anything vital in his body but blood is still gushing out of his wound.

"Wa-wait, we-we-we can talk about this right?" The jizou mimic wanted to open negotiation but ignored. It's too late for him.

"Beast Breathing: Second Fang, Slice!"

Inosuke unleashes a double slash with two blades in an X-shaped cut. The mimic is slashed from the shoulder all the way to it's collarbone. The mimic thought Inosuke missed, and another slash brought the demon's head to the ground. The demon throws its tantrum and start cursing Inosuke.

"God damnit! It's not fair! Not fair! You shitty boar!" It curses as much as he can before he turn into dust that is blown away by the wind.

"Hahahahaha! Take that you shitty statue freak! Feel the wrath of the King of Mountain!" He raised his blade soaring in the air.

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