Entertainment District-Hinokami Kagura

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Uzui run to search for the demon. Sanji is behind him, guarding the from the back. The demon is not in Ogimoto House, so it must be in the hunt for humans. The battle has already begun. Where is it? Search for its presence! He focused his ears to listen to any sudden noise. 


Uzui could hear the sound of blades clashing with something. He took a sharp turn and put his ears on the ground. Sanji is weirded out. "What the hell are you doing ?" 

"It's here, underground!" Uzui could hear the sound of battling beneath the ground. I can hear it well thanks to the reverberations. There's something here!

"?!" Sanji is shocked to say the least. 

Uzui take out his swords that were covered up in bandages. "Sound Breathing, First Form: Roar!" Uzui  lifts his twin swords above their head and slams them down with great force whilst simultaneously creating an explosion causing a loud sound resembling thunder as a result.


This guy is nuts! Blowing a hole in the middle of street? Sanji questioned Uzui's method. This will definitely alerted the people around, not just demons. After a hole was created, Sanji could see some familiar faces on the bottom of the deep hole. Uzui and Sanji both jump into the hole.

"You're late, Sound-ya." Law said, breaking the silence upon their arrival. Uzui observed the aftermath after the battle. Countless courtesan laying down, unconscious. There's also pieces of sash falling to the ground. Battle has ended.

"Tengen-sama!" Suma approach Uzui and hugged him as soo as she got to him. Clearly she was scared for her life, being contained here. Unnoticed of Sanji being jealous.

"Who is she?" Sanji asked while hiding his anger inside him.

"She's my wife. I have three wives." Uzui dropped the bomb. Sanji is in state of disbelief. Impossible! Three wives?!

"Th-Th-Three wives?! You fucking norm-

"Ummph!" His mouth were shut by Law's hand.

"That's not my point. What are you guys doing here?" Shouldn't they be assisting Tanjiro?

"I've heard sounds of you battling over here so I come down to help." Uzui stated his reason.

"Then who's assisting Tanjiro?!" Law asked that with anger in his tone. Uzui realized his mistake. He should not be here. He should be at Tokito House right now. 

"Tch, Sanji, you stay here with others, protect these courtesans! Uzui, get your ass with me! We're going to where Tanjiro is!" Law throw two rocks that were thrown high in the air, above the big hole.

"Aye-aye!" Sanji saluted. He thanked Law for being such a good man. He'll cook special dinner for him after this!

"Room!" He created another sphere that expand through the hole.

"Shambles!" Suddenly, both of them were switched of their place with the rock. Uzui was caught off guard but he managed to get put from the hole. What is that?! Uzui had seen this before back when Law did the same thing when they first met. But he still can't get used to that. So he can transport the living too?!

Tanjiro! Hold on! He hoped that Tanjiro is doing fine. Dammit! Why is everyone always screw up my plan! I will definitely eat their ass after this shit ends for good! He cursed at everyone for not following the plan. He is very annoyed at the point calling him annoyed is underrated.



"What an infernal racket, you piece of trash! What is that sound? What are you doing?" He cursed at Tanjiro. Does this kid is just distracting her so the Corps can go and save her livestock. She is pissed that they dare went for her food locker.

"How many of you are there? Four?" Even though she's angry, she keep her calm composure. And ask the little boy in front of her. He just stay silent, unwilling to spill any beans.

"If you tell me the truth, I'd be willing to spare your life. It starting to get noisy all over the place. Its annoying me, so this time, I'm going to kill you." That threat is starting to get Tanjiro nervous. I can't handle Water Breathing Technique!  My body is not suited for it! I can't help striking harder with Hinokami Kagura! I could do multiple attack with Law's teaching, but the aftereffect is great! Even if it is minimized.

Don't go down in defeat! Ablaze! Its different now! I've trained! He took on a different stance as his veins are pulsating as he is using the Hinokami Kagura. As Daki sent more of her obi attacking Tanjiro.

Hinokami Kagura.......



Raging Sun! Tanjiro unleashes two horizontal slashes to defend from incoming attacks. Daki could sense a difference between Tanjiro earlier. His swordsmanship style just change. It is sharper than before! 

It was Tanjiro's moment to attack. He rushes head-on while producing sounds resulting from taking a breath, wanting to create another strike with Hinokami Kagura. What the hell is this sound? A sound of breathing? Daki ask herself the question.

Flame Dance! Tanjiro created a two-combo strike which starts with a vertical slash and then a horizontal one right after. Daki evaded the attack by retreating back. The tip of the blade just stare at her. Flame Dance is a two-hit strike! Even if she dodges it, there will be one more! Tanjiro hope that this one could hit her.


In the end, this is all it amounts to! Daki said while seeing the opportunity to attack. She ambushed him with a sash straight to his neck. Turns out it was all just an illusion. An illusion? Where is he?

"Hinokami Kagura, Fake Rainbow!" Tanjiro performs high-speed twists and rotations, thus creating afterimages used mostly to evade attacks. It was all a trick to get to her closer. An opening! An Opening Thread! I can do this!

Flame Wheel! Tanjiro leaps behind Dakiand spins in the air downward, releasing a sword attack in a circular motion. Daki at first looked surprised, and it run to a smirk. "So slow, you're making me yawn." The Opening Thread snaps as Daki intercepted that attack. 


"Urggh!" Tanjiro is sent flying back. Go on the defensive! Thank fully, he were able to land safely, despite the injuries. He stand strong, even after the fallout of Hinokami Kagura. He can't show his right now, there's an enemy to fight against!

Daki started to goes on a rampage of attacks, sending multiple attacks at one. Tanjiro is fending all of it with everything that he has. Even though he's slowly succumb to his fallout of Hinomaki Kagura. He won't falter right now!







He parry, block and counter all of the attacks by himself. I can feel my body's temperature rising! I'm able to fight an Upper Rank Demon! 

This is entertaining. 

I can do it! Hinokami Kagura's effective! I have to win! Using every ounce of my power! I'm gonna win, no matter what! To protect lives! 


I'm won't let anyone suffer the same fate like I did!

A Cook, A Doctor, and A Ghost + A SwordsmanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang