Pervert's Luck

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Sanji did not expected himself to be so lucky. He felt as god has showered him with fortune. His wish has been granted by the gods after all this years. Unlike Law who has been jinxed, found himself being in abandoned mansion, Sanji found himself in the public bath house. Even more so, it was women's section! Sanji almost bleed to death after seeing their beautiful body and figure. 

When Sanji  took a glance, he felt as he's in heaven with angels around him left and right. He thanked the gods for bringing him here in this sacred place. When the women noticed Sanji, they screamed simultaneously. Thinking that Sanji has snuck in and wanted to take advantage of them, just like Absalom once did. 

Thankfully, Sanji is not a problematic pervert that would spy on girls or take advantage of them like Absalom. He's an absolute gentleman. He would never lay a finger on women, even if it costs him his own life!

"Kyaa! A pervert!"

"How did he get here?!"

"Where did he came from?"

"Pervert, don't look!"

"Someone, call the police!"

"Beat him up!"

Sanji was pummeled by ladies all over. He gets bruises all over his body, but it was worth it. He didn't fight back because they were girls. Their large boobs will always carved deeply into Sanji's mind forever as he was at death's door at that time. He managed to slip by and escape from there without being seen by anyone because the police will arrive soon. He don't want to cause any trouble if he is put in the spotlight.

Outside the public bath house, the streets it busting with people even though it is midnight. To Sanji, it is abnormal to be this many people in this city, but that's a normal day in the city of Tokyo. Sanji is being pushed by the people who went opposite way of him which is clearly annoying. Feels like going against a strong current made by humans.

This place is certainly different from the capital city of Wano. Since when did they have suits and hats? Wano is an isolated country for years, its impossible for the city to be this advanced in one night. They even got high quality cigar for sale. The building is different, a bit modernized around the area. Everyone don't got topknots as hairstyle anymore, maybe its not that popular anymore in this place.

Sanji undid his hair back to his signature hairstyle. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a cigarette box and a lighter. He take one and light it up before inhaling the smoke and released carbon dioxide from his nose to the air. To avoid anyone spotting him, Sanji slips through between the alleys. The alley smells of ammonia and garbage. Sanji covers his nose from the stench

As he walking through the nasty alley, he bumped himself against a drunkard. The drunkard falls down, he rolled to left and right groaning in pain. It is clearly that man is a con artist, wanted to scam some money from Sanji. Sanji noticed that the man is unhurt and obviously is faking his injuries. Sanji then continues to walk away.

"Hey, you!" A man shouted. Sanji stopped dead on his track. He look over and seeing that the drunkard is accompanied by couple guys that come out of nowhere.

Sanji put up a fake smile, and slowly walk towards them. His hands in his pocket and his leg is ready to kick some scum. "Is there something wrong?" He asked them innocently. 

"You just broke my man's arm!" That man falsely accused Sanji for the thing he did not commit. Really? This way is outdated , Sanji mocks them deeply in his heart.

"Yeah, for that you must pay for his injuries!" Another goon put out his hand in front of Sanji, demanding money from him.

"Arggh, my hand! It broke!" The drunkard keeps on acting in front of him and rolling from side to side like a weirdo. To be honest, that man is bad at it. Sanji even cringed looking at his acting.

"Really? Mind if I take a look?" The man in front of Sanji is delighted, but he give a way to Sanji anyways. The drunk man bend his arm as if it's broken. Quite obvious that he is faking it. EVen a little kid can see that there's no injuries anywhere.

Sanji raise his left leg midair, and smashed his heels on the man's arm. Now, that man is not going to move his arm in the nearest time. Maybe the damage is permanent but its not like he gives a fuck about them. The marines suffers than that. Compare to this, its nothing.

"Arggghh! It broke! It broke for real!" Tears falling from his eyes, he screamed in pain for his arms has been broken with a single chop kick. Sanji smirks, now this is more believing if they wanted to extort somebody of their money. The goons around him was flabbergasted by Sanji's bold move.

"Oh shit!!" 

"Did that blondie just crushed his arm?!"

"With a single kick?!"

"It broke for real!"

"Did that guy got iron as a bone or something?!"

"I did not signed up for this!"

Sanji chuckled at their response. "You're wrong, I didn't break him arm..." The hoodlums gulped their saliva back in their throat. They're sweating crazy as if there's a rain washed upon them.

"I crushed it. Not my fault he got brittle bones." Sanji continued. They were speechless. Chill was sent down their spine. Knees are shaking, every hair in their body is giving goosebumps, heart beat became faster and faster and more sweat is forming.

As Sanji took a stance ready to beat up some idiots at hand, the goons grouped up together. They're going for a charge? Against one might work, but against me? It'll take a whole fleet of army just to capture him. Sanji decided to go easy on them, can't attract unwanted attention. If he used a little bit more power, these guys are going to be sent flying. Which attract much more attention.

"Everyone, brace yourselves!" The guy-in-charge of the gang notified every single one of his men to charge at Sanji. 

"Bring it on!" Sanji taunts them. Wanting to be angry even more. They did not take the bait, they see what the guy in front of them can do, so charging without plans is the same as suicide. Hundreds of footsteps marched in unison, Sanji is getting a bit excited. He's going to waste them all under 10 minutes at most.

"Run!" Did Sanji misheard? Hearing the order from their chief, they turned their backs on Sanji and run with tails between their legs. They don't want to mess with that freak of nature. One kick, that's all is needed to beat them. Of course, they take the best choice, to run away like cowards.

Sanji was left just like that. "I was not expecting that. But I was expecting not to expect something so it doesn't count."

And so, Sanji uses Sky Walk and disappears between the night. He need a better view of this place. Since when the moon look so beautiful today.

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