"So it's like a control thing", Josh said. "...yeah, basically", Tyler hummed. "But sometimes I am willing to give that control away", he said. "Ty told me about the time he met his ex for the second time, their first date", Lucas said and Tyler looked over at him, biting his lip. "He went in a ferris wheel with them but only told them he actually hated ferris wheels right after the gondola left", Lucas said. "Really?" Josh chuckled and Tyler nodded with a smile. "Yeah. Thought it would be romantic, I wanted to impress them", he shrugged. "And it was romantic, eventually. Glad I went into that ferris wheel", he chuckled. "But... Yeah I didn't tell them that I don't like them beforehand, and they were like 'why didn't you mention that sooner?!' but I feel like they wouldn't have let me go into the ferris wheel if I'd mentioned it earlier", he said with a soft laugh. "They were sweet like that. Never wanted me to do anything I wasn't comfortable with, even if I wanted to do it when I wasn't comfortable with it. They looked after me better than I did myself", he said and Lucas smiled softly.

"Sounds like they were great", Jonathon said. "They were. They are, still", Tyler smiled. "So, moral of the story: sometimes things you hate can actually be romantic and can actually pay off", Tyler said. "Yeah, definitely paid off. He got laid that night", Michael said. Tyler's jaw dropped. "Mike!" He exclaimed. Josh's cheeks turned red. "Oh goodness", he blushed, Lucas's jaw had dropped too as Michael said that, and Jenna laughed. "That might've been TMI, Michael!" she laughed. "You can't just say that!" Tyler told him. "Believe it or not, some stuff is personal!"

"I know, sorry! I wasn't thinking", Michael said in defense. "But it's just them", he said. "Doesn't matter who it is! Whether it's Josh or the Pope or fucking Santa Claus or a mosquito, you can't just say that", Tyler said. "Luckily it's just them, but even then", he said. "Okay okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry", Michael said. "Good", Tyler said. "You better be", he said. Michael let out a laugh. "Don't laugh! It's serious", Tyler said, but he was now smiling too, and he let out a soft laugh that he didn't mean to let out. "It was pretty funny", Michael stated and Jenna hummed with a nod. "No it's not!" Tyler laughed. "Just shut up, Jesus fuck", he chuckled. "Anyways!" Tyler said, looking over at Josh who was still blushing. "Sorry for my idiot friend. I mean, colleague", he said. "You colleague-zoned me?" Michael asked offendedly, and Tyler ignored him as he let out a laugh. "It's alright", Josh blushed.

"I love that you're so much more offended about him calling you his colleague than him calling you an idiot", Jenna laughed. "Yeah I noticed that too", Jonathon laughed. "He's got weird priorities", Tyler chuckled.

Their conversation felt silent for a little bit, and Josh was looking out the window. Tyler grabbed his phone, resting his head on Lucas's shoulder as he took a selfie of the two of them after he tilted it, with Lucas softly smiling and so did Tyler. He then tilted his phone back, flipping his camera back, and he smiled softly as he secretly took a picture of Josh watching the city out the window. Lucas noticed and smiled at Tyler, who looked over at him and Tyler rolled his eyes, shoving him lightly. Lucas let out a soft laugh, smiling as he looked away, out the other window.

The conversation picked up again, and after several more minutes, their 12-minute ferris wheel ride came to an end. They got out of the gondola, waited for Jordan and Mark to come back, and they were ready to continue their quest for desserts.

"So what do you think you're gonna get?" Tyler asked Josh. "Uhm, I'm not sure what they'll have", Josh said. "Oh they have lots of things. Cannoli, small cupcake-sized cheesecakes, different kinds of cakes and ice cream, incredibly delicious cookies and even cookie dough and brownie batter cones", he said. "Oh man, I have no idea, I'll have the hardest time choosing", Josh said with a laugh. "What would you recommend?" He asked Tyler. "Hm... Everything, probably", Tyler said with a laugh. "But I do love the cheesecakes and the cookie dough and brownie batter cones", he said. "I'm never gonna be able to finish all so I'll still have to make a choice", he said with a soft laugh. "We could share? If you wanna try different things?" Tyler suggested. Josh smiled softly, biting his lip. "Is that okay with you?" He asked. "Of course, I offered", Tyler said with a soft laugh. "Let's share, yeah?" He asked. Josh smiled and nodded. "Okay", he said.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now