📌 RV Irene X (B) Part 2

772 32 4

Genre: Romance, Comedy, maybe gamee
Requested by: xavvvvy_AHAHAHA follow mee mwah😆


Its been 4 months after that party and SM Entertainment put up a news about the break-up of one of their idol. The articles were for Irene and her male actor boyfriend "hmm, so she's single again" Jennie said peeking while she stand at the back eating some snacks.

You quickly put your phone away and look at her with a force smile "hmm" she hummed rising her eyebrows. She walked away eating that made you sigh in relief, you're totally being stupid about this so you leave the living room when Lisa bump into you "ouch!" she said rubbing her forehead and your chest before looking up to you.

She frown a little while pouting then smack your chest "ow! what was that for??" you said rubbing your chest, Rosè laugh in the couch with Jisoo before Lisa replied "I thought you couldn't feel pain!" she said and walk away, you look at her with disbelief before looking at the other girls but they just shrugged their shoulder "you're a man" they say in sync.

You rise your eyebrows "but I'm a human" you said with disbelief then you feel a pat on your shoulder before looking at who it is "that's ok, bro" Jennie said and chuckle "by the way, we need to go somewhere with Red Velvet, we are in our you know, vacation so I'm spending time with my besr friend" she said with a smile and left but stop midway to look at you.

"You'll be okay right?" she asked and also you nodded to assure her for that, you walk away going into your room and yes, you found yourself to be a freeloader in blackpink's apartment that even their fans telling how lucky you are and some tellimg you to leave the place.

You sighed flopping yourself in the bed neither looking at your phone for less stress. "Uhm, y/n? you sure about this? you know you can just stay here or—"

"no it's fine, what would they think if I keep ignoring and running away when it always come to Irene? You always can see that she isn't bothered at all" you said while looking at the ceiling before chuckling. "I'm the coward here, stupid and such- what a man to live on, hated by many of people, taking advantage of these, this apartment, having a famous friend and all" you added while motioning your arms by pointing to this, to her and that.

Jisoo pitied you, she know how big the burden you are getting not only because of seeing Irene but because of living with them as well. Fans can't be controlled at all but either for some sudden unexpected events but neither of them can solve or lessen those stuff.

"it's fine, it's always fine cuz I'm used to it" you then added after a pause, the other girls are also just outside of your room leaning on the wall beside Jisoo. She look at them rising her shoulder a little and slowly shake her head signing 'i don't know what to say anymore' motioning her mouth to say it.

Rosè then step up patting Jisoo's shoulder telling "I got this" before getting inside, she gently sit on the edge of the bed patting you. "come here" she said and pat her lap, you look at her confused but she only chuckle "sighs, come here and give me a hug then" she said giving up for the thigh pillow and open her arms, you scoot to her and embrace the warm hugged she freely give before she patted your back and cares your head.

"I know everything is heavy and everyone is being hard on you but just forget them for a minute and rest" she said with soothingly voice that made your heart in care. You nodded and felt the heavy burden disappeared for a while when your tears start to build up and she let you know its ok.

"you aren't weak, you're so strong and you can handle this" she said comforting you and yup this is all you really need at the most daring time you got in your life and Rosè solve of it for just 5 minutes.
You closed your eyes and started to drift off when you heard Rosè tell you one last thing "I'll wake you up later ok? just take a rest" she said and keep petting your head while playing on your hair that made you feel so relaxed in the exhausting life.

Kpop Idols and You Imagines [K.I.Y.I]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora