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      ⌚Please have time to read this section

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I would love to thank all of you for still supporting and reading Kpop Idol and You Imagines (K.I.Y.I), I would like to explain why I haven't get in touch or keep on updating this book.

As for these year and last year, I get accepted in college and I have fully aware of how stressing and eating it my whole time, my only resting time is to play mobile games but most of my time is online class and school activities.

I got lost my acc as well when I tried to take it back as well my other acc, as you remember I tried to revised this book for grammatical error and so on (as english isn't my mother tongue). BUT I can't get a hold of the other account and last year wattpad doesn't let me in, idk if it's a bug. So I merely focus on school and other stuff.

So yesterday I take my account again and wattpad make me log in, I'm very thankful I can write a story again and share some of my ideas in my thoughts, and as of today I am willing to take some request as these week my term test is finished, so we have a week to rest from school.

And I would like to know where my reader came from, so I can base if I'll use english often in my book or tagalog. Its for my short stories and I would love to take an Idea for my short stories as well, I can make them imagines for one idol with you (well I guess I need to come up with a name than "y/n" only) So that will be my plan while updating K.I.Y.I still.

Hope y'all can lend me some ideas💕.


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