harkommerlyckan/Harry Potter: Draco Malfoy

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"Draco, shhh! Someone might hear us!" I exclaimed.

"Hush, Agnes! I promise no one will, love," Draco replied.

He and I were hidden in one of the classroom closets of Hogwarts. I was a half-blood of Gryffindor and Draco, my boyfriend, was in Slytherin. Just after weeks of being in classes together and talking in the corridors, he and I had found a liking for each other. But of course, some people didn't like the thought of Draco and I together. Or would at least. For example, Draco's father, who terrifies me.

"Agnes, I have something for you," Draco whispered as he pulled from his pocket a necklace.

"Draco!" I exclaimed and my bright eyes looked up at him.

He smirked and declared, "Here, let me put it on you."

I turned around, feeling his hot breath on my neck since it was so snug in here and small. After putting it on me, I picked up the pendant on the chain.

It was a tiny green dragon made out of emeralds with a silver background as the background.

"Draco, I don't know what to say..." I remarked and turned around towards him with his gray eyes staring right at me.

"You don't have to say anything," he said and started to lean in for a kiss. But, some racket was heard in the classroom outside of us. We immediately froze and I bit my lip, trying not to laugh, while we bent down to keep quiet.

All of a sudden, we heard singing in the classroom and it was Professor McGonagal, singing a bar song.

Draco looked at me just ready to burst out laughing while I looked away from him since he was making me laugh.

Finally, she left and suddenly we let our laughs. Our eyes were merry and soon crying of how funny to hear our professor singing. Quickly, hand in hand, we left the classroom chuckling and when we reached the corridors, which was empty, Draco unexpectedly pushed me against a wall. Still laughing, Draco's hands gently grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the wall. Mischief and want filled his eyes as we soon stopped laughing.

It suddenly became quiet and my eyes flickered to his lips, which were so close to mine.

"Oh Agnes," he muttered and slowly, we kissed.

The kiss seemed so simple and pure, but knowing Draco, he would want to heat it up. Suddenly, he added more passion to it, but as soon as he did that a voice, loud and clear, yelled, "Draco! What is this?"

Immediately, we stopped and with fear in our eyes, our eyes set sight on his father, Lucius with anger in his eyes. Storming towards us, he cursed under his breath and grabbed Draco by his wrist, dragging him away from me. Honestly, I didn't even move because I was so scared of Lucius.

"Draco, what the bloody world are you doing?! You're ruining our family and shaming us with this pathetic girl," Luicus remarked loudly at Draco, who looked like he was to be beaten.


"You shut up, boy!" he yelled again.

Suddenly, Lucius's eyes found mine and with still a good hand on Malfoy, he strutted up to me closely, saying, "And you, young lady, stay away from my son."

I felt like bursting into tears as Draco tried to get out of his father's grip to come back to me.

"Agnes!" Draco yelled as Lucius and him started to walk away from me.

Soon, I started to run at them and yell, "Draco!"

But with a flick of his wand, Lucius and his son disappeared from sight.

I fell on my knees and felt a tear drop onto my lap. My lip was trembling and I looked up towards the end of the hall where he left.

What have I done?

The next day

Morning breakfast seemed so...depressing and it usually isn't. I kept glancing towards the Slytherin table where Draco normally sat, but didn't see him there. I bent my head back down and looked at my Belgian waffles covered in chocolate sauce plus strawberries.

"Are you not gonna eat that?" asked Ron, having his innocent blue eyes stare at me.

I shook my head and said, "You can have it."

Gleefully, he pulled the plate towards him and stuffed it down. I still can't believe that boy isn't fat as a warthog.

I smiled at my thought. Soon, classes were starting and my first one was with Slytherin in Potions. Sighing, I stood up and grabbed my books from my room. Heading into class, my eyes fell upon Draco, sitting on a desk facing me. My stare at him grew longer as I headed to my seat. Finally, his eyes flickered at me, but immediately went back down to his book. Hurt rushed through me as I noticed he didn't of his normal smile at me. Sitting down, I sighed and swallowed the disappointment down as our professor started our lesson.

An hour later, our lesson was done and I followed Draco down the corridor to speak with him privately to see what was up. After some crowd was gone, I grabbed his arm and whispered loudly, "Draco!"

He turned around towards me, took a glance at me, but immediately looked down at the ground.

"Agnes, I can't see you anymore," he remarked and with one last look at me, Draco turned around and left.

"Draco! Wait!" I exclaimed, but he was long gone.

My eyes started to turn glassy with tears while I felt cold inside since he had broken things off with me. I walked down the hall like a zombie back to my chamber. This was all of his father's fault. If only we hadn't kiss. I tried to not think about Draco, but he was all that I could think about. When I reached my chamber, I plopped on the bed and let everything out. I was mad, hurt, and broken. Tears stained my blanket and pillow, making them wet.

For the rest of the day, everything seemed to go so slow. Defense of the Dark Arts dragged on and while having our garden lesson, it seemed like a thousand years. I felt like I was sleep walking and nothing felt right without him.

Finally in my chamber, midnight came like a shadow and I had still not fallen asleep. Draco was on my mind and I desperately needed some fresh air. I traveled downstairs to a large balcony in the castle at Hogwarts. My hands leaned against the railings as I bit my lip, trying to not let the tears out again.

"I thought I'd might find you here," a voice asked.

I froze, knowing that voice from anywhere.

"Draco?" I asked and turned around to see him in his pajamas.

He started to walk towards me with his arms coming at me. Suddenly, his arms were tangled around me in a hug. I was so confused. Does he still love me?

"Draco, what's going on?" I asked finally as we parted.

"Agnes, my father told me to break things off with you because he knew it would disgrace the family. But, honestly, I don't care. I don't care because I...I love you, Agnes. And will for the rest of my life," he remarked with a smirk on his face.

My whole body burst with joy and love towards him. I just wanted to hug him all over and kiss him.

"I'm sorry when I said we couldn't see each other anymore. I was trying to obey my father's wishes, but any day, I would rather disobey his orders just to be with you," Draco continued.

By now, I had felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"I love you so much, Draco," was all that I could make out.

"And I will love you forever, my love."

And with that, we stood there, admiring each other, until the moon slowly went away.

Hey guys!

So you probably saw that I entered this imagine book into the Watty 2015 awards! Yeah! So I ask you all to please share this story with others! Pretty please with a cherry on top, vote and comment! I love you all and hope you enjoyed this imagine!


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