"So now we wait for tomorrow, hm?", Lucas said. "What's tomorrow?" Tyler asked. "Your birthday", Lucas said. "...oh fuck, I forgot", Tyler muttered. "Really?" Lucas asked and Tyler nodded as he sat up. "Uhm, damn, okay, uh- I don't- there's- my family", he said. "...are coming over tomorrow. Can't you remember that either? You planned it with them", Lucas said as he also sat up. "No I don't! Fuck, fuck I really am not looking forward to that. I thought I'd just have a quiet day with you! Fuck, fuck", Tyler sighed. "I can't cancel my own birthday, right?" He asked with a huff. "I wouldn't do that", Lucas said. "You haven't seen your family in a while. Let them come over, we just won't let them stay too long. You can always just say you're exhausted from tour, because you are. Wouldn't even be a lie", he said and Tyler nodded softly.

"If you want to, I can tell my family not to come", Lucas said. "If it's too much. They'll understand", he said. "No, no, no I want them to come too. They've only met my family, like, once. They should come. If mine are coming, yours are coming, alright?" He said and Lucas nodded with a soft smile.

"We'll be seeing our families during Christmas and New Years Eve and Day as well, so it shouldn't be an issue if we ask them to leave earlier because you're tired and need to rest", Lucas said. Tyler hummed. "Alright, we'll do that then", he said. "But I didn't have time to get drinks, cake, I am not prepared for this birthday", Tyler mumbled.

"Good thing you got me, hm?" Lucas said. "Already got all the drinks, snacks, ordered a cake that I'll be picking up before the party tomorrow. And I got you gifts", he said. "You're a lifesaver", Tyler sighed. "And you shouldn't have gotten me any gifts. You really don't need to spend money on that", he said. "I wanted to, Ty. You're my boyfriend and I love you and I want you to have a special birthday", he slightly shrugged.

"I do not deserve you", Tyler said as he kissed Lucas's lips. "Love you more than anything I've ever loved in the entire world. You're my forever, okay?" He said. "Okay", Lucas replied, before they kissed. "Then you are my forever too", he told Tyler.


Tyler's birthday went surprisingly well; he was actually really happy to see his family and his friends again. And he loved spending time with Lucas's family as well; it felt good, and he really loved these people as well. Lucas had gotten him the most beautiful birthday cake, and Tyler loved how much effort Lucas put into making his birthday special. He opened a bunch of gifts, loving them all. The day after, in the evening, all of Tyler's friends came over and they celebrated Tyler turning 23 together as well.

The rest of December was pretty quiet, for both Josh and Tyler. Both of them spent the holidays with both families - their own and their boyfriend's - and didn't have much plans of doing other things. Jonathon and Josh went to a Christmas themed market and went ice skating on an ice skating rink in town, while Tyler and Lucas went to a snow-covered Christmas market and ice skated on a lake nearby. They drove out of town several times to go have walks through the snow together without risking bumping into fans, and Lucas loved having Tyler home. He wished it could be like that forever. He wished Tyler would always be by his side, every step of the way in their lives. He knew that wasn't the case, though. Tyler had to leave again soon.

New Years Eve was spent with friends - Josh and Jonathon spent it with Jenna, Hayley and the others, while Tyler and Lucas went over to Jordan's place for a NYE party. The day after, he and Lucas visited both of their families, also saying goodbye at the same time, 'cause on January 3rd, they were leaving for tour.

Lucas had decided to join the first two weeks, because he wasn't ready to say goodbye to his boyfriend yet. He had loved being together with Tyler every day for so long, and he wasn't strong enough to let him go again, so he joined them on tour, which Tyler loved.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now