When Lucas returned, Tyler got out of the tub, while Lucas insisted on supporting him. Tyler was secretly glad that he did; he felt weak, especially after fainting again, and he was shivering as he got out of the tub. Lucas wrapped him up in a big, fluffy towel and dried his body, which made Tyler feel safe, and so domestic. He loved the feeling.

When he was dressed, wearing yet another hoodie, and he left the bathroom, he was less happy when he saw the breakfast on the table that Lucas had gotten for them.

There were bagels, some spreads and other things to eat on them. Tyler quickly realized that Lucas had gotten a couple of quick groceries when he went out, as he saw his lover open the fridge. "What do you want to drink?" He asked. "Uhm, coffee", Tyler said as he sat down at the table, feeling nauseous as he looked at the food. He reached out for a bagel and his hands were shaking. He quickly put it on his plate, not wanting his boyfriend to see it.

He grabbed a knife and sliced the bagel in half. Lucas sat opposite of him after he made two cups of coffee, giving one to Tyler. "Sugar, milk? Usually a bit of both right?" Lucas asked. "No just- just need it black right now", Tyler said as he grabbed it and he took a sip, the temperature of the coffee almost burning his lips, but he was so cold he didn't even care.

"What do you want to have on your bagel?" Lucas asked as he sliced open his own. "Uhm... I'm not sure", Tyler said softly. "I'm gonna go for cream cheese and salmon", Lucas said and Tyler looked up. "I think I'm gonna do that too", he said. They both prepared their bagel and Lucas closed it, but Tyler didn't. He ate half of the bagel, slowly; Lucas's bagel was already gone when Tyler was just halfway. He forced himself to eat half the bagel, even if he felt nauseous.

Lucas grabbed a second bagel. "Want another one too?" He asked. "No, no I'm full", Tyler said as he ate the last bite of the first half. Lucas looked at him and Tyler wondered why, but then he realized. "...after this half", he quickly added. "Just one bagel is enough", he said. Lucas nodded; eating one bagel wasn't weird, and Tyler sighed softly. He didn't want to eat the other half too, but he swallowed difficultly and put some cream cheese and salmon on it again, before he took a bite. His eyes were stinging and he had trouble swallowing the bites, but he tried to not let his boyfriend notice how much he was struggling.

Tyler always skipped breakfast, but he couldn't do that when Lucas was here. He would get worried again, and Tyler hated it when he was worried. He really didn't like it. It was evident the day prior; he told his boyfriend to fuck off and literally left the apartment when he said he was worried about him, so yeah. He didn't take that well, not at all.

Tyler noticed the time, and knew they had to leave. "Oh we have to go, right now", Tyler said, putting part of the bagel down. "Just finish your breakfast first, baby. They won't care if you're a few minutes later", Lucas tried, but Tyler shook his head. "I'll finish it there, we really have to go now. I'll get myself there if you don't want to go", he said as he got up, grabbed a small paper bag and shoved the part of the bagel that was left in it. He grabbed his backpack with everything he needed at the recording studio and when he was ready to go, he saw that Lucas was waiting by the door. "I'm coming with you", he said and Tyler nodded, turning off the lights before they left to go to the studio.


When Lucas was distracted, talking to Michael and Jordan, Tyler said he would go for a quick smoke. When he got outside, he tossed the part of the bagel away and smoked a cigarette, thinking of the vocals he had just done and how he needed them to be better. He wasn't satisfied; not at all. He was frustrated, which is why they let Tyler go outside for a smoke real quick, but they weren't having their break yet. It was too early for that.

Tyler returned and Lucas stopped him before he went back in. "Where's your food?" He asked. "I finished it outside", Tyler said, getting himself out of Lucas's grip before he went back to the booth where he recorded his vocals. "Let's do it from the start", Tyler said, before they tried the vocals again.

Let's Recelebrate (a Joshler story) (Celebrate ALTERNATE version)Where stories live. Discover now