Chapter 110

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Eren's POV:

Levi - It's okay, just text me when you can. I know she's always up your ass about this shit

"I think he bought it." I was so stressed out. I felt so guilty.

"You think? What'd he say?" I read the text aloud to Reiner and he seemed convinced too. I waited awhile to answer Levi only to make it seem like I wasn't allowed on my phone for family time. I'd say that makes sense.

Eren - I was going to go upstairs but she decided on movie night fml

Levi - Gross. What movie?

"Quick, think of a movie," I panicked.

"Alvin and the Chipmunks!" He shouted.

"Are you fucking serious, bro?" God, he was useless. Luckily, I thought of something.

"Whatever you do, don't say Fight Club."

"Well no fucking shit."

Eren - Empire Strikes Back

Levi - I'm guessing it was your dad's idea

Eren - Of course

I locked my phone and dropped it on my lap. "What'd you end up saying?"

"Star Wars."

"Solid choice."

We arrived at the address Kenny gave us. But it just looked like an abandoned bar. Which means this is definitely the place. Reiner and I got out of the car and he made sure to triple lock it.

"Do that again and I will throw your keys in a lake." I groaned. He got to the front and knocked. The door slid open slightly. It was a scruffy looking man. Definitely not friendly. "Kenny told us to come."

"Oh, you must be the runt kids he was talking about." His voice was deep and raspy. Yeah, definitely not friendly. He unlocked the chain connecting the two doors and let us in. There were dirty, sloppy men everywhere crowding around a platform in the middle. There was a cage surrounding it too. The men were chanting and shaking the cage with excitement. Reiner and I just kept moving and looked for Kenny. There was an office space in the corner. I'm assuming that's where he was. I knocked on the door and a voice said to come in. Once I opened the door, Kenny was leaning back in his chair, counting a bunch of money and splitting it into piles.

"Boys," he smirked, "so glad you could make it." He stood up and came closer to us. "Welcome to The Underground." He patted us both on the shoulder and led us out the door. We all turned towards the fighters in the cage. One was getting busted up pretty badly. "I think you two are going to make me a lot of money."

"And do we get money?" Reiner asked.

"Of course!" Kenny laughed, patting Reiner's shoulder once more. "A lot of money if people bet on you."

"When can we start?"

"Sign a few documents and you'll be ready to go. Follow me." We went back into his office and he handed us two clipboards.

Name: Eren Jaeger


"Alias?" I questioned.

"It's like a stage name." He answered.

"I know what it is but why do we need one?"

"Security reasons. Gotta make sure no one can track you down in case they aren't happy with a win. You also don't wanna be up there as Eren now, do ya? You two shouldn't have a problem." He leaned back in his chair. "The Titan Brothers." He smirked. Of course he knew. "Eren, take your pick. Attack Titan, Warhammer. Hell, you're even the Founding Titan. You're one dangerous boy. And you, Mr. Braun. The Armored Titan. You two make quite the team. The competition you have ahead of you. Oh boy," he slapped his knee and laughed, "they got no idea what's coming."


I still had it blank. I looked over at Reiner and saw he put The Armored Titan. Although I knew it simply killed him inside, being that once upon a time. He knows that's still who he is. It's a part of us. We can't escape it. It's time to reinvent it. Slightly.

Alias: The Attack Titan

We both wrote down the rest of our information and handed Kenny the clipboards back.

"Very good." He set them down on his desk. "Reiner, if you'll give me and Eren a moment, I'd appreciate you kindly." Reiner nodded and left the room to watch the fight. His expression immediately darkened once it was just the two of us. It didn't take a genius to know what this was about. "How is he?"

"He's good."

"Got his memory back yet?"


"I've been watching you three. Seems like he remembers everything I taught him."

"You planning on dragging him out here?"


"Then why drag me and Reiner into this?"

He leaned forward in his chair and rested his forearms on his knees. "Let me make somethin' clear to you, son. I love money. Don't you love money?" I didn't react. "Sure you do. Well. You and Mr. Braun are about to make me a shit ton of it. But if you lose, I will not hesitate to have a little reunion with the little runt. My sister's been trying real hard to keep me away from him. I tried. But once I saw that he grew up to be the boy I raised, I knew it was our destiny to be reunited. So do me a favor, Eren. Don't lose my fights. It's a win win. You win, we both get paid, Levi is out of the picture. Got it?"

"Got it." I was angry at myself. I regret coming. Reiner has nothing to lose. But I do. Now I'm stuck in this. I can't have Levi anywhere near Kenny.

I won't fail you again, Levi. I promise.

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