Chapter 81

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Levi's POV:

It was the next school day. There were a few things on the agenda. Talk to Hange, avoid Eren. Seemed simple enough.

"Hey, Captain." Hange sat in front of me in French class. Language classes are one of the few where the grades mix so I was glad to have her.

"Shitty glasses." Our usual greeting in the morning. "I need your book."

"What?!" She exclaimed with the brightest smile that could blind the sun itself. "What for?" The entire class stared at us.

"To read it, dipshit." She pulled it out of her bag and dropped it onto my desk.

"I've waited for this day." She wiped a fake tear away. "What is it that you want to know?"

I'm afraid that if I tell her, she'll start screaming again. "I need you to control yourself." She nodded. "I've gotten two memories back so far. Two in one day." She gasped and covered her mouth.

"What were they?"

"One was literally just words-"

"What words?" She quickly interrupted. "Like words in a letter? A note?"

"Yeah?" I nodded slowly, unsure of how she knew. Maybe it's in the book.

"What words?"

They were kind of cheesy so I was almost afraid to say them out loud. "Goodbye my love, maybe I'll see you in another lifetime." I sighed.

"And the second?"

"It We were talking about Eren and Mikasa."

"Oh my god, I was in your memory." Her words came out like a screamed whisper. "How did I look?"

"Stupid." Well she was missing an eye so that's for starters. Definitely looked a lot older though. Maybe even in her 30's.

"Rude. Why were we talking about them though?"

It was a sad reminder. I didn't want to jump to conclusions but I feel like these specific memories come back for a reason.

"You told me you had talked to Mikasa and she told you that they kissed and then told him she loved him."

"Why do you think you got that one?"

"Mikasa a rompu avec Jean" I whispered in French. Translation, Mikasa broke up with Jean.

"Zut alors!" She gasped. "Really? Why?"

I leaned in closer and whispered, "I heard her on the phone with Armin. She likes Eren." She seemed nervous. "What?"

"" She turned towards the front of the class as it began. But my attention went down to the ginormous book in front of me. 'The Age of the Titans'. She turned around again, "skip to page 60."


"You'll see."

The Ackerman Clan

A whole section dedicated to my bloodline? Maybe I should've gotten into this a bit sooner. I skimmed through the words but processed every one of them. I paused once I found the subheading, Captain Levi. There was a picture of what I was presumed to look like. I looked maybe 15 to 20 years older. But that was me without a doubt. I guess I became angrier with age because I look like I want to kill someone in this picture. I didn't think it was possible for me to look more intimidating than I do now.

Levi Ackerman was the squad captain of the Special Operations Squad within the Survey Corps and was widely known as humanity's strongest soldier.

How was I supposedly humanity's strongest soldier? I know I have a lot of rage for someone that's only 5 feet tall but still. I continued to read on about myself, my past self specifically. Then another memory struck.

"I look up to you. You have it together. You're strong. You're heroic. You're fearless. I pay close attention to you because I want to be like you."

It was Eren. Did he really feel that way? And why didn't this memory hurt like the last? I guess it just picks and chooses when it comes to that.

Isabel Magnolia was one of Levi's companions prior to and after their joining the Survey Corps, the other being Furlan Church.

I closed the book at the sight of their names.

"May I be excused?" I asked.

"Français seulement s'il vous plaît." Mr. Reeves said. I hate when you can only talk in the language you're learning. Maybe I want to ask in English, huh?

"Puis-je être excusé?" He nodded and I left without the book. I held in every ounce of feeling I could until I reached the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror with disgust. I'm no hero, I lived while 3 died. I've never done anything for anyone except cause pain. Seeing their names hurt worse than I thought. I don't talk about them, I try not to think about them. I threw some water in my face in hopes it would calm me down.

I miss them so much...

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