Chapter 3

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Levi's POV:

Annoying. He is annoying.

Annoying and stupid.

Eren Jaeger is the world's largest idiot.

My squad and I were scattered throughout Stohess. We were tracking down the First Interior Squad. There was a plan for Eren and Historia to be taken so her father would be located. It was arranged by Dimo Reeves but he was murdered. Erwin was framed. I knew he would never do something like that. The Military Police taking him into custody was a waste of time. But the question was who could it have been?

Although I should've been spending my time trying my to figure out who had framed the commander, my brain continued to replay my conversation with Eren. That stupid brat. He doesn't know what he's talking about. On top of that, he's going to get us all killed. How am I supposed to like the kid?

I went to check on my team to drag myself out of my ludicrous thoughts. I landed on a building beside Nifa.

"Captain." She said.

"Well?" I looked at her.

"The road's crowded but I've seen nothing unusual." Her eyes were set on the people below. "It's not far to Commander Pixis's from here so I think we're good but how's the body double mission?"

"A success." I'd be lying if I said I felt satisfied with how things were going. Something was wrong. Military Police couldn't be behind this. They're too careful with their reputation to use amateurs.

"You don't seem very pleased about that."

"I'm not."

I kept my eyes on the wagon in which Eren and Historia were hidden. Whoever this was, they knew the wagon would be followed. Its support team wouldn't be far behind.

"Captain," Nifa said, taking me out of my thoughts once more, "wagon's almost on the move again."

I had my suspicions. It made too much sense to be wrong. I think I know who we're up against and it's not going to be good.

"Nifa, you've heard of Kenny the Ripper."

"That mass murderer in the capital? The one that slit the throats of over a 100 MP's? Of course, but I always thought he was just an urban legend."

Oh how I wish that was true.

"The stories are all true. He's no legend."  She let out a small gasp. "I lived with him back when I was a kid."

"Yeah," she nervously laughed, "very funny, sir," I figured these people knew me well enough to know that I don't joke around, "this isn't really time to be making jokes."

It was making more sense to me. Kenny was the furthest thing from an amateur. He would be one step ahead. He wouldn't fall for anything like this.

I was still paying close attention to my sight in front of me. I wasn't expecting to be attacked from behind.

He was here.

"Nifa!" I shouted. But it was too late. She had already been shot and killed right in front of me. I immediately took cover.

This was an ambush.

It was just me.

"Long time, Levi." Kenny smiled. He continued to speak as he reloaded his weapons walking closer to where I was standing. His squad was surrounding Stohess. Surrounding me. He flew forward with cheer using his gear. "Nope, don't look like you've changed much at all, boy."

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