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𝗔uden tilted her head back and let the hot water cascade down her scalp and into her hair, getting rid of the shampoo lather she just created

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𝗔uden tilted her head back and let the hot water cascade down her scalp and into her hair, getting rid of the shampoo lather she just created. She dragged her fingertips through the length of it, keeping her eyes closed in relaxation.

A pair of hands reached for her waist; they rested there gently. A small smile touched her cheeks as she wiped the water flowing down the top of her head back and lowered her head. Blake's hands pulled her body in closer, and a small laugh escaped her lips.

She opened her eyes and gazed at her, breathing her in like it was the first time seeing her all over again. Her dark brown, red hair was plastered to her forehead, cheeks, and neck, drenched in the water. Her pale brown eyes shone in the gentle bathroom lighting; they were so clear – not like they had been for the last couple of weeks.

Auden reached her hand over and tucked it on the side of her face, drawing her in. As their lips touched, she let out a sigh. This girl was one of those women you meet and become easily infatuated with. She was soft and smart and funny, but she was also clingy, insecure, and a bit much. She wanted to keep her by her side for as long as she desired her for, but she knew in the back of her mind that one day they would part and it would be her fault.

Women like Blake don't belong with women like her.

"Was five minutes ago not enough for you?" she whispered against her neck.

Auden snorted, "You're the one who touched me.

"So a simple touch is all you need to get in the mood now?"


Blake moved her head up and looked at her happily, "Well, I'm hungry."

"Not surprising – you're eating for two."

She let out a soft, airy chuckle as she turned and opened the glass shower door. Auden stared at the water that dripped down the curve of her backside while she stepped out. The beads of liquid that ran down the roundness of her chest alluded to her; Auden thought she may never get bored of her.

She reached behind her and turned off the water, having enough of the shower herself. She followed her out and grabbed a nearby towel, wrapping herself in it. She paused only when she noticed that Blake was standing in front of the mirror, a towel draped around her shoulders. Her hands were placed on her stomach; she slowly moved them over the tiny bump that was beginning to show on her belly. After she backed out of the abortion, Blake went to the hospital to get a check up on the thing. Turns out, she was completely wrong about the timeline – as well as Planned Parenthood.

Blake was closer to four months.

Auden walked over to her and stood off to the side, watching her.

"Y'know," she started after a couple minutes, "Kids suck. They're annoying and they smell."

She laughed, "I'm well aware."

"I'm surprised that that nim – wit Mason even convinced you to keep the thing." 

Blake turned her head in her direction, scowling at her, "You're the one who called him."

Auden rolled her eyes, knowing she was right. Yesterday, when they were sitting in the car and Blake was moping, she couldn't help it. It was written all over her face that she wanted to keep the damn thing, and while she herself couldn't understand why – it wasn't her body to be judging. She told herself that if she sat there for another five minutes without walking inside that building, she was going to call Mason. If anyone could have gotten through to her, whether that was to keep it or get rid of it, it would be him. They had history, and he was that thing's father. It was only fair.

When Blake sat there for ten extra minutes after the call, she knew she had made the right choice. Planned Parenthood was only eight minutes from Rueben's house.

"Yeah," Auden finally answered, "Only because he had a right to know about it. I figured you needed the words from the person who helped you create that thing."

"Well, I'm glad you did."

"Now you are."

She winced, recalling the verbal beatdown she got not too long ago.

"I'm happy to keep my baby," Blake grabbed the towel and pulled it around her body, "I know he or she will bless me."

She moved toward the bathroom door, probably to get dressed. Auden went after her, slipping into the bedroom. Blake immediately went to the dresser to get ready, while she grabbed her sleepover bag and did the same.

As she dug through the duffel bag, the truth of whatever they had going on dawned on her. Without a label on what they were, she knew that she was going to have to end this soon. If she was being honest, she wanted nothing serious with Blake. She was a gorgeous woman, but without trying, Auden could walk down the street and find five carbon copies of her.

She needed to quit doing this coupley shit.

"Hey, is that thing inside of you going to keep us from having sex?"

Blake's face twisted in disgust, "It will if you keep calling my baby 'that thing'."

Auden pulled on her pants and rolled her eyes. There were plenty of girls like her on the streets, but for now, she was satisfied with her. The sex was good, so what was the problem sticking around for a little more? It's not like Blake was jumping to get her to commit.

"Ready?" she asked, fully dressed.

Auden tilted her head back and groaned at the ceiling, "Can't we go out for breakfast?"


"I hate all of your friends."

"They hate you too."

"That is exactly my point."

Blake rolled her eyes and grabbed her hand, "Maybe if you tried for once to not be a bitch, the tension in the room would ease up."

"That's a big ask."

"C'mon Auds, I know you can act your age for one gathering."

She let out a dramatic breath and gave up on arguing, letting her guide her down the stairs to the breakfast she knew she would surely dread.

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