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𝗕lake shoved open the last double door to the trauma corridor and hurried around the corner, hand tightly interlocked with Auden's

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𝗕lake shoved open the last double door to the trauma corridor and hurried around the corner, hand tightly interlocked with Auden's. She had been nice enough to comfort her on the floor, and to drive her to the hospital; she'd have to thank her for it later on.

For now, Rayne needed all her attention.

She let go of her hand as she rounded the chairs where Rueben, Isaac and Taryn were sitting. Emmet had his arms wrapped around his son, while sad looks covered the features of their two friends. Her heart instantly sank.

Did I not make it in time?

Taryn looked up and noticed her frantic look. With a swift shoulder rub to Rueben, she parted from them and walked over to her. Blake turned and walked to the wall with her, Auden in tow.

"What happened?" she whispered once they were far enough away.

"Rayne was stabbed in her Penthouse a couple hours ago."

Blake slapped a hand to her mouth in shock; what??

"Rueben found her," Taryn continued, looking over her shoulder at him, "—Emmet too. She didn't have a pulse. He was lucky that he got it back for her, but she coded again on the way over here," she turned back, "It's not looking good for her. She's been in surgery since they got here, and I'm worried about Rue. He hasn't cried since they took her away."

"She's going to be fine," Blake nodded her head, trying to convince herself.

"I hope so. It'll break him."

"I've never seen him like that. He's even letting Emmet hug him."

"I know."

"Sorry to interrupt," Auden jutted her face between them, "but where is Jonah? He called me."

Taryn pointed around the corner, "Over there talking on the phone."

She nodded and didn't say another word, turning and leaving.

Her friend rolled her eyes at her departure and looked at her, "Seriously, how can you stand her?"

Blake shrugged, "I don't know. She's just been there when I've needed her."

"You mean like when you let her fuck you in the bathroom?"

She shoved her harshly, "Shut up! I told you that in secret!"

"Have you told Mason yet?"

Blake looked at the ground solemnly, "I was going to earlier, but I chickened out. He just looked so happy to help and be there for me. I couldn't burst his bubble yet – at least, not in that setting."

"Uh – huh."

"—but that wasn't the only time Auden has been there for me."

"When else?"

Blake continued to stare at the floor, flashing back to an hour ago. She was the only one she thought to call and Auden came without hesitation. Whether it was because she was off from work and bored, or if she actually cared, she had no clue – but it was the fact that she came anyway that stuck to her. However, the new knowledge that came to light today was also at the front of her mind. Even though she wouldn't be keeping it, she knew now was not the time to announce it.

"We can talk about it later."


"It's not a good time; Rayne's situation is still unknown."

"I understand," Taryn placed a hand on her forehead, "Is it selfish of me to ask you to distract me?"

"No, not really."

"Good," she dropped her hand, "Then I can finally ask you why you've been crying."

"What??" Blake drew her head back, "How did you know – I mean—"

But Taryn already picked up on it, "Your eyes are puffy and your mascara is flaky."

She sighed. Tears welled in her under eyes again as she stared at the plain white tiles, contemplating her life and her choices. It would be impossible to hide it from Taryn.

"I'm pregnant," she whispered as quietly as possible.


Taryn was cut off as the final member of their family walked past them. Blake looked up and caught sight of his blue eyes. She noticed how cute he looked with the blue beanie perched on his head, and the curl of his hair at the ends. She quickly looked away as he caught her vision; she knew that without a doubt, he caught the tears on her face. He had always been insanely observant.

"Blake," he breathed, stopping, and walking back to her, "What's wrong?"

When she didn't answer, he grabbed her cheeks and gently raised her face. She squeezed her eyes tightly as she inhaled his familiar scent and felt the softness of his palms on her face. For the past week, she couldn't understand why he was being so nice to her. Not after everything she did to her.

Fuck the atonement he so claimed he needed from her.

It was her that was in the wrong.

It was never him.

I don't deserve you.

"Blake," he repeated, rubbing her tears away with his thumbs, "Talk to me."

But she couldn't.

She trained her eyes on the blank space behind him, unable to make eye contact.

I can't look him in the eyes and lie to him anymore.

I can't tell him everything is fine when I'm about to kill his child.

Taryn placed her arm on Mason's wrist, sensing her discomfort, "She's just upset about Rayne," she explained, "—go be there for Rueben. He needs you more."

Blake looked up as he released her face, "Right," he nodded, and walked away.

When she looked over at Taryn again, her face fell and her lips quivered. Her friend gave her a sad look and opened her arms, to which she stumbled into. She grabbed the hem of her shirt, clinging to it as she let the sobs rack the back of her throat and finally escape.

"It's going to be okay," she whispered in her ear, rubbing her back.

But is it?

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