There's a Book...Part 4

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"Doubt is the key to knowledge." Persian proverb

Wei WuXian had been looking for an empty table, not Lan Zhan…not at all…

It was only by accident that he ended up starting at the beginning and was looking for the 'A's, and could start his slow descent into the research black hole. Research was kind of like wasting time with a purpose, and Wei WuXian found that if he kept an open mind, he would find that precious nugget of gold which would turn into a proper story.

And speaking of gold…two luminous golden eyes were staring up at him, momentarily confused.

Why did the sight of this man fill him up with anxious glee? Like two opposing forces, he wanted to hug him like A-Yuan had but at the same time, the thought of running away was equally appealing. 

Lan Zhan just stared at him.

Today, Wei Ying was wearing a black hoodie with a red logo and red ties hanging from his hood, which was thrown back casually, on top of black skinny jeans, emphasising his lean legs. There was a sparkle in those silver starlight eyes, suggesting imminent teasing. He grinned, mischievously. 

"What have you got there?" He asked, plopping down in front of Lan Zhan's pile of books, after chucking his backpack to one side.

Too late…Lan Zhan flung the book to the ground as if it was a hot potato, and horror of horrors, it landed open on what the author had included, which were graphic pictures of what could happen if their readers were successful in completing all the stages that came before this one.

Lan Zhan wanted to die

He cleared his throat.

Looking up at the ceiling and hoping for some way out of this mess. If there is a God…

"Oh. My. God." Wei Ying exclaimed loudly. "Did someone trash the place and leave it all for you to clean up? I think that's terrible!"

Lan Zhan could not believe his ears.

They were so bright and hot, he thought it was a wonder that they hadn't burst into flames by now.

"Here, let me help you." Wei Ying was saying. "If we do it together, we'll get it done quicker. And then, you can help me."

Lan Zhan had gone from the depths of hell and to the heights of the heavens, but now he was seriously questioning his sanity.

"Hehe, do you think this was some randy teenager?" Wei Ying chuckled, examining the fallen book in detail.

He closed the book after only receiving silence from Lan Zhan. He looked up to find that intense gaze upon himself. 

"Er…are you alright? You look a bit…hot …" Wei Ying thought hot in an entirely different way, but without thinking, he lifted the back of his hand and pressed it to Lan Zhan's forehead, checking if he had a temperature. 

The action was so natural, so automatic because he did it regularly for A-Yuan, that it didn't register at all until it was too late, that Wei WuXian had just crossed a line…and of course, he had to blush as well…

"Sorry…I…shouldn't have done that." He apologised, withdrawing his hand. "But don't worry, you don't have a temperature…" He added, uncertainly.

Lan WangJi was still on an emotional roller coaster. 

First he had been startled by the cool hand on his forehead, and the amazement that went with it, the realisation that Wei Ying was actually touching him, and…it felt so good!

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