Masquerade of Hearts Bonus

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Wei Ying woke up and tried to stretch, and found that he couldn't. But he had had the most amazing sleep ever, and even now, he felt so happy!

And warm...because strong arms were wrapped around him, holding him close. Lan Zhan was fast asleep, his beautiful eyes still closed, as his chest moved up and down evenly.

Wei Ying couldn't believe much time had passed in between his lives, and yet here he was, as if nothing had happened. All those years ago, he had fallen in love, and such was their bond that their souls kept calling out to one another...

And Lan Zhan had said, his core was strong in this made him so excited. He leaned up as far as he could go and kissed the still smooth cheek of his beloved. The cheek moved as if suppressing a smile, and Wei Ying knew he wasn't asleep any more.

"Good morning, Lan Zhan!" He crowed, climbing on top of him.

One golden eye opened to examine him, holding on to his waist as Wei Ying straddled him.

"Did Wei Ying sleep well?"

Wei Ying nodded enthusiastically, and then gave in to the desperate urge to kiss him. Their lips met in a wonderful joining of hearts, both sighing as it felt so right, after so long.

"I love you so much." Wei Ying whispered, yelping because he was attacked, held down by fiercely blazing golden eyes.

"Say it again!"

Silver eyes turned defiant, and he pouted, not at all realising the effect this had on the other.

Lan Zhan kissed him again and again until the poor man was a writhing mess of need and want, blood burning through his veins as he tried to breathe, giggling because Lan Zhan hadn't changed one bit.

"Say. It. Again."


Wei Ying wriggled free and twisted out from under him, but Lan Zhan was too fast and grabbed his foot.

Wei Ying tried to reach him, but Lan Zhan was far more agile and so fast, twisting out of his grasp yet his long fingers reached out to stroke his arch.

Wei Ying exploded into belly aching laughs, clutching his sides...until they saw they were being observed.

A-Yuan was standing by the door, a smile on his otherwise serious face, clutching his two rabbits, in his bunny slippers.

Lan Zhan let go of Wei Ying, who ran towards the little boy and picked him up.

"A-Yuan! A-Yuan! My baby!!" He held on to him tightly, as if afraid something would take his son away.

Lan Zhan got up and leaving the mess that was their bed, he came and put his arms around both of them.

That was how XiChen found them, all together.


After breakfast and more hugs, because Wei Ying had remembered his XiChen-ge, Lan Zhan was waiting him impatiently.

Wei Ying could tell he was because he had that crease in between his brows, and the tightening of his lips, which meant he was trying really hard not to say something. Wei Ying bounced up to him, beaming, and something stuttered in his heart as Lan Zhan looked at him.

"Do you know, my Lan Zhan, your eyes go really soft when you look at me." Wei Ying wrapped his arms around his waist, hiding his flaming face as he only then realised what he'd said.

Lan Zhan hugged him and kissed the top of his head.

"I have a surprise for Wei Ying."

His deep voice induced shivers.

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