Purrfect Love

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Night hunting was fun for the most part, especially when they were successful in getting rid of whatever was causing a problem, and if everyone could return to Cloud Recesses with no significant injuries, then that was a win in Wei Ying's book.

Tonight they were easily able to get rid of a gui that had been haunting a field just outside of Gusu. Thankfully it wasn't anything complicated and now they were returning home with nothing more than a bruised Jin Ling. SiZhui and JingYi were trying to keep his spirits up, and Ouyang Zizhen was being his cheerful self.

Tonight, they would rest under the sanctuary of Cloud Recesses and go their separate ways tomorrow morning.

Wei Ying was bouncing along happily next to Lan Zhan, when his eye was caught on a night blooming flower, which was sending out its intoxicating scent far and wide.

"Lan Zhan! Look! What a pretty flower!" Wei Ying exclaimed, running towards it.

Lan Zhan followed, because this was his Wei Ying and he always saw beauty in the strangest of places.

The flower itself was very beautiful. Its delicate white petals were elongated from the base outwards, and as they became smaller, they held a tinge of blue. Its centre was a warm yellow, pollen sticking to the small strands. And the closer they got to it, the stronger its fragrance was, wrapping around them like a soft blanket.

Wei Ying went to pluck the precious bloom but he snatched his hand back after snapping the head of the flower, and letting out a noise of surprise...

He dropped the flower and cradled his hand. The flower immediately turned into ash and was blown away by the gentle breeze.

Lan Zhan, slightly alarmed, went to him.

"Wei Ying!" He took Wei Ying's hand and checked it.

A long sharp cut was visible all along his finger, bleeding slightly.

Lan Zhan ripped off a part of his robes and wrapped a tight bandage around his finger.

Wei Ying's protest died on his lips as the action happened so fast, Lan Zhan's reflexes were even faster. So he decided to be a little shameless...

"You know, my love..." he fluttered his eye lashes, "I'm sure it would get better much faster with a kiss..." he looked up hopefully at his husband.

"Mn." Lan Zhan agreed too quickly, a twinkle in those golden eyes.

Keeping his electric gaze on Wei Ying's face, he slowly lifted his finger to his own mouth.

Wei Ying hardly dared to breathe, unable to look away and Lan Zhan softly, lovingly kissed his bandaged finger.

And then he yelped as Lan Zhan yanked him to his hard chest and covered his lips, saying, "for good measure."

This kiss was hot, hard, full of wanting, and Lan Zhan could not stop himself from ravishing this naughty mouth, belonging to a man who never stopped pushing his limits, someone so wholly alive that his every pore sang with the joy of living.

Soft lips that bruised in their intense desire to taste, to love, to stamp this flesh with a mark, to show off to the world that Wei Ying was his. One last bite and he soothed it with a swipe of his hot tongue.

Wei Ying had melted against him, dizzy with this assault on his senses. He swayed dangerously, smiling softly and a little embarrassed.

"Look what you do to your poor husband...the great Hanguang-Jun..." he whispered.

Lan Zhan steadied him, smiling gently.

"Can Wei Ying walk? Or should he be carried by this neglectful husband?"

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