Who Am I To You? Part 1

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The Lan Clan of Gusu is famous in the Cultivation world for being upstanding members of society. Their rules keep them in line and produce fine, young people ready to enhance society and be a credit to their families.

They are also cursed, but not much about this is known past the Ivory Pillars of Cloud Recesses.

The curse is this: by age twenty-one, they will find their Soul Mate. If they fail to do this, by their twenty-ninth birthday, they are fated to die.

Lan Zhan often thinks that the one who bestowed this curse upon his Clan, was a kind soul. Why not, when it made those who had actually found their fated mates so happy?

Why not, when they had allowed a further eight years to find The One?

So, he never bothered too much about it.

He became complacent.

He spent his time reading scriptures, mastering swordplay, cultivating music and going on night hunts.

He sought after perfection, and then, he became perfect.

At first, his family supported him.

His Uncle Qiren and his Xiongzhang, XiChen, said it was fine, even if he didn't find his Soul Mate when he turned twenty-one, that was alright. He had plenty of time.

As more and more people of around his age grew up with him, Lan Zhan started attending weddings, and the frequency of these happy occasions began to increase. In the beginning, he didn't mind so much. Weddings were just somewhere to be, and so what if he had to attend alone?

But, as he grew older, people began giving him odd looks.

And then, the whispering began, loud enough for his ears.

"That's the Second Jade of Gusu…what a waste…"

"He's so perfect…but what is the point? No one will give him a daughter, if her only fate is to become a young widow."

Gossiping was not allowed, but when these people were challenged, they defended themselves by saying that they were merely pointing out the truth.

Those same varying comments became sympathetic…until Lan Zhan decided he did not need to go beyond the Jingshi when he was not carrying out his duties.

Eight long and lonely years later, one day his brother came to see him.

XiChen was happily married to Nie MingJue and they were raising a young family together.

It was hard for Lan Zhan to be happy for him, and not think about his own situation. So he decided to forget about himself in this matter.

His heart became freer in that instance, and he realised that he WAS happy for XiChen.

Once he understood the separation of these two facts in his mind, he could feel a peaceful calmness in his mind.

They exchanged pleasantries and as the moments passed, Lan Zhan settled into a serene, content place in his mind now. The smile he offered to his brother was no longer tight, nor tense.

"Didi… I have some great news for you."

His brother is sounding far too optimistic and excited.

Lan Zhan doesn't have to say anything, for XiChen to give him a small, apologetic smile.

"Interesting news." He amends.


"Huaisang is an adventurous fellow as you know. A-Jue was worried about him finding a person to spend the rest of his life with. A partner to share in times of joy and sorrow." XiChen sips from his cup.

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