Cutting Measures Part 6

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Wei Ying was drifting.

He could feel himself being lifted now and again, and made to drink something bitter. Every time that happened, he tried to speak and only one name came to mind.

There were dreams and he felt restless but the weight of his bones dragged him down until blackness overcame him, a security blanket made up from the sound of someone's familiar voice singing to him.

His sleeping became calmer then and he was able to rest.

Lan Zhan stayed by his side.

Once JingYi had returned, they had brought Wei Ying back to Cloud Recesses where a doctor had checked his arm and his fever, prescribing his medication.

Lan Zhan had not forgotten about Noodle or Tofu either, and JingYi had brought back a cage for them to be safely transported with Wei Ying.

Wei Ying was taken to Lan Zhan’s room and laid upon his bed. He was restless and making distressed noises in his sleep until XiChen suggested Lan Zhan play something to calm him down.

Lan Zhan did something even better; he lay next to Wei Ying and sang to him, holding him close and mindful of his arm.

On the third day, Wei Ying’s fever broke and the anxious air around Cloud Recesses dissipated.

Wei Ying woke up properly later that evening, feeling terribly disorientated. His eyes opened to an unfamiliar room.

There were dark mahogany rafters above his head, high up in the ceiling and the walls were pale blue with white drapes. He felt a little light headed, and tried to sit up but then his arm hurt and everything came crashing back to him.

Lan Zhan returning, the cold, wet boxes, Madam Yu's wrath and consequent punishment...everything.

The door opened and Lan Zhan walked in, concern in his eyes but his face brightened considerably when he saw Wei Ying was awake. He rushed to his side, placing the tray he was carrying next to his bedside cabinet.

"Wei Ying..." Lan Zhan sat down next to him and checked his temperature. "How are you feeling?"

"A little bit dizzy...but I'm okay, I think." He blushed.

Lan Zhan took his hands in his. "What is it?"

"I need to use the bathroom."

Lan Zhan picked him up straight away and brought him to the adjacent room. This bathroom was all white and expensive-looking, with a huge metal tub in the centre. Lan Zhan put him down making sure Wei Ying was steady before leaving.

"I'm close by, right outside this door. If Wei Ying needs me."

Wei Ying nodded and waited until he was alone.

Once he finished, and washed his hands, he attempted walking back to the door and was pleasantly surprised to find that using the wall as a support, he was able to manage well.

Lan Zhan disagreed by picking him up as soon as he saw him. But when he went to put Wei Ying down, the man turned into an octopus and held on tightly.

"Don't leave me." He whispered.

"Never." Lan Zhan vowed, holding him close.

He could feel hot tears running down his neck and held Wei Ying tighter, stroking his hair until he calmed down.

"How long have I been here?" He asked.

Lan Zhan hated how weak and tired Wei Ying sounded. He made a promise to himself then and there, he would do his best to restore Wei Ying’s happiness and his confidence.

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