Stressed is Just....Part 2

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Wei Ying thought about what his sister had said for the remainder of that Thursday. He thought about it at lunchtime, he thought about it in the afternoon, when he wasn't ribbing his younger sibling or running away with half bowls of cake mix, or somehow getting powdered sugar all over himself.

He thought about it at night too, when he was alone, in the safety of his apartment which happened to be above his sister's bakery. In those quiet moments he allowed himself to think: what if?

In the grand scheme of things, it was true, he was a very busy man, and did not have time to think about a romance. So what if Lan Zhan - he allowed himself a tiny frisson of excitement at whispering his name in the dark - was good looking? Surely Wei Ying was not such a shallow person as that, to be swayed by looks alone? But the truth was, he liked that Lan Zhan had wanted to protect his own brother by not giving his number.

It should have mattered to him that the action went against Jiang Cheng and loyalty demanded he be affronted by it on his behalf, but Wei Ying was nothing if not honest with himself and he knew he actually didn't mind.

He thought about being pressed against Lan WangJi, how it made him feel to be held so intimately, so securely, and the truth was, he had felt safe. He had been able to feel hard muscles under that silky creme shirt and then, when Lan Zhan had spoken, right into his ear, it made him shiver then, and it was making him shiver now.

And then he had ruined it all by kissing his cheek.

Accidentally of course, but it was mortifying.

So he closed his eyes and went to sleep, dreaming of golden eyes and sultry voices.


Lan XiChen had indeed not turned up for the meeting.

Lan WangJi had to sit through the morning one, his stoic face not giving away his displeasure at having to chair the meeting, and while the recipients of the bakery treats were ecstatic, Lan WangJi took relief in the form of petty revenge: he had not included the chocolate rabbits in what he brought to the executive room.

Those were left safely on his desk where he would eat them slowly, and remember days gone by.

For now, he was left to stare at scared faces clearly wanting him to swap with his much friendlier brother for any duties even remotely suggesting public interaction. He too wished for the same thing, and yet once again, he was thinking about why his brother hadn't turned up.

Nie MingJue hardly ever got sick, that was part of the reason. Understandably, XiChen would want to be there for him, that part was acceptable. Up till now, Lan Zhan had thought his brother's relationship was like a blip in his own life, not directly affecting him, but with a distinct possibility to do so.

Like today.

And the secondary thought to accompany that was the unlikelihood of himself in a similar situation.

Also like today.

He stared at his phone openly while someone was trying to convince everyone else that his idea was better than everybody else's, but Lan WangJi had already lost what little interest he had at the beginning.

Instead, he wondered why Wei Ying hadn't already phoned him. Exactly one hour had gone by, and Lan WangJi was feeling nervous, because everything that had happened that morning was so out of character for him, he was starting to think it was a dream.

He thought back to that lovely young man and how nice it had been to look at him. How nice his voice was as he tried to make Lan WangJi feel comfortable, and how he had tried to protect Lan WangJi from the Purple Grape. Although that name could be modified to Purple Gripe...evidently no improvement had been made in that regard.

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