There's a......Surprise Part 18

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"Surprise is the greatest gift which life can grant us." Boris Pasternak

Jiang Cheng was feeling great these days.

Both his boyfriends were exceptional at demonstrating how they felt towards him and he hoped he was the same...this was still early days, yet he felt they were making progress. Out of the two, Nie MingJue was surprisingly the most patient with him, and stopped him from overthinking things, especially when he was prone to spiralling.

Jiang Cheng liked to think he was unaffected by his parents, but in his heart of hearts, he knew all his insecurities stemmed from too much "love" from his mother, an intrusive and never satisfied person, to not enough love from his father, an absent man in mind if not body.

And XiChen was the nurturing person in this relationship. His never failing care often surprised Jiang Cheng with how much he was willing to just listen, and only advise if asked, yet he remained was such a good quality to have in a partner and Jiang Cheng assumed it was due to taking care of the IcePick (TM) that was his younger brother.

Still, Lan Zhan might have turned out worse so there was that....

So this kind of analysis which Jiang Cheng did more and more often, had him in a quandry: just what did he bring to their relationship?

He couldn’t really answer this, not to his own satisfaction at least.

He got on well with both MingJue and XiChen, separately and together, and there had been the odd occasion when he'd been able to make them laugh, which was a great feeling...but he couldn't help wondering if something was missing.

If he was missing something.

It was odd...this asking questions to himself, of himself, and being unable to answer.

And now there was another problem on the horizon.

Well, it wasn't a problem as such, just something he needed to devote more attention to: birthdays.

XiChen had told him when asking about Jiang Cheng's birthday, that his own one and MingJue's birthday were so close together, that early on in their relationship, they had decided to pick a middle date to celebrate both...and it was coming up soon.

Jiang Cheng wished he could have joined them after it had gone, because then he would have had at least a year to plan something, because time was a valuable commodity these days, and now he felt ill-prepared.

In just two weeks time, he had to come up with either a single present that both of them could enjoy, or two presents that they could enjoy separately.

And after considering all his options, Jiang Cheng felt like a fish out of water, as if he was really up the creek without a paddle, struggling to breathe...

See, his problem lay in the fact that both XiChen and Nie MingJue were wealthy. Not just wealthy, not just rolling in dosh, but lighting-it-up-and-burning-it kind of silly rich.

So they could not only buy something they wanted, they could probably buy the store that contained it too, individually.

Buying them something was not a viable option then.

So what should he do?

He thought about taking them out for a meal somewhere, maybe at an exclusive restaurant or somewhere hard to get into, but the Universe was really intent on challenging him these days, it seemed. On the five nights that they met up, Jiang Cheng learned just how influential his boyfriends were, on the daily.

They had decided to go clubbing one night, and their place to let off steam was the exclusive club, Pot. Pot was the happening place in the city right now, and ever since they had opened their doors for the first time a year ago. It was so busy that attendance was monitored and not only was there a queue going around the block every day, but they were regularly throwing people out to get a healthy rotation of clientele.

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