Somebunny To Love

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Wei Ying grabs the milk carton and stares at the photo of the really hot guy...who is apparently missing...? He doesn't really pay attention to it because today is a special day.

He has to eat quickly because he's got it all planned out: first breakfast followed by a trip to the local shelter. He's going to find a girlfriend for his black rabbit.

One beady black eye is staring at him rebelliously from behind the enclosure.

Wei Ying calls it that because it takes up more than half of his living room. But he wouldn't have it any other way.

"Listen, Chonk...I know it's hard...but you might like her? You haven't even met her yet and you're judging me!" He waves a spoon in Chonk's direction. "I guess it's sort of like a blind date for you...but if you like her and you guys get...busy...we might have a few little buns hopping around...and that'd be nice, right?" He snickers, finishing his cereal. "Course, you gotta do your part, Pal. That's the fun part...the Papapa..."

Chonk shoots him the evil eye and goes to hide in the little castle thing Wei Ying had newly assembled for him.

Chonk would come around...Wei Ying was super confident of that. He had a way with animals...except dogs....let's not even go there....and his affinity was especially visible with bunnies.

He should have gotten two rabbits in the first place, that would have been ideal but it just never worked out and Wei Ying promised himself that the first chance he got, he would help Chonk out. Plus it was lonely being in the apartment alone, Wei Ying thought. Maybe that's why Chonk kept finding a way to break out of his space.

Should've named him Houdini...Wei Ying thinks, slipping out of his home.

It's a warm day and a lovely one to take a walk to the animal shelter which is around ten minutes away from his home. Wei Ying used to volunteer there when he was in high school and loved the place because the dogs were in a separate area and he didn't have to interact with those at all.

Wei Ying walks past wooden poles with pictures on...and it's the same guy from the milk carton. Someone really wants to find this guy, huh...

The shelter is busy all year around and Wei Ying notices the changes that they've made. It seems a friendlier place because of the warm colours and decor.

Oge greets him at the counter.

They're good friends ever since they started working together all those years ago, and Wei Ying greets her with a warm hug.

She takes him to where the rabbits are.

"We've only got two this week." Oge says, opening the cage to a beautiful white bunny.

Wei Ying picks it up and it's the sweetest little thing, snuffling and sniffing him, its cute pink nose twitching delightfully. He strokes the soft fur and smiles. There's nothing like cuddling a bunny. It's the best feeling in the world.

"She's lovely. I'll take her." He says.

Oge gives him a strange look.

"Alright then, I'll go draw up the paperwork." She turns to leave but something makes Wei Ying stop her.

"Wait..I really shouldn't...but you said you only have two...right? Show me the other one too." Wei Ying knows he's inviting trouble but he can't stand the thought of abandoning a bunny to remain here alone.

"We do...but..." Oge sighs. "The thing is...that one is an aggressive lil' guy. He bites." She points to a cage where a bunny, slightly bigger than the one Wei Ying just returned, is chewing angrily on hay.

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