300 Ways to Say I Love You

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It all started as most good ideas do, with distraction.

A fan snaps in front of his face, and Wei Ying realises that Nie Huaisang has been talking to him all this time, and somehow, Wei Ying was lost in his thoughts, and hasn't heard a single word.

Huaisang pouts at him, and then hides behind his fan thoughtfully.

"What's wrong, Wei-Xiong? You're not usually this bad…and it was an entertaining story, too."

"Ah…I'm sorry." Wei Ying scrubs his face with both of his hands, suddenly feeling tired.

"Trouble sleeping?"

"How did you know?" Wei Ying laughs awkwardly.

If Huaisang can tell, then Lan Zhan is obviously going to be able to tell.

"I wasn't sure if I would pick bamboo as a present for you, given that's what pandas usually eat."

"My eyes?? They're not that bad, right?" Wei Ying takes the little mirror Huaisang offers him, and upon snapping the little case open, he's startled to see that Huaisang isn't far off the mark. Dark circles make the brightness of his silver eyes stand out, and the rest of his face looks even paler as a result.

He gives back the mirror and buries his face in his arms, groaning and feeling sorry for himself.

"Honestly, you can tell me what's troubling you. I promise it'll go no further," Huaisang promises, earnestly.

"So says the biggest gossip this side of the Yangtze river! Why don't you finish the sentence, huh? You promise it'll go no further than who?" Wei Ying only just manages not to throw his eraser at Huaisang's head.

"I'm no gossip. I help!" Huaisang protests, fanning himself fervently.

Wei Ying rolls his eyes and counts on his fingers.

"Xue Yang? You snitched on him!"

"And now he has two great guardians who make sure he stays out of trouble." Huaisang preens.

"Mo XuanYu?"

"Flourishing at stage school. Da-Ge got a new younger brother to bully and I get to keep my interests. It's a definite win-win for all concerned."


"Oh, come on! It's a great improvement for her to leave Jin Entertainment and find a little peace, you know? Not everyone is cut out for showbiz." Huaisang taps his fan against his desk. "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about, though. It's not like I had anything to do with these people."

Wei Ying tries to ignore him and settles for spinning around in slow circles in his wheelie chair.

The thing is, he wants to talk about his problem, in the hopes that by doing so, it will unravel the messy knots of indecision creating a mess in his head. Like loose wool left at the mercy of a naughty kitten, he's been going stir crazy these past two days since Lan Zhan left to go on his business trip.

"Alright, I'm going to trust you," he finally says, after thinking about it some more.

"Is it a deep problem?" Huaisang asks him.


"Is it serious?"

"Um…yeah? That's kinda the point!"

"Then, we're not doing this here." He glances at the clock. "Oh, would you look at that?"

"What?" Wei Ying watches him innocently as Huaisang pulls out a pair of wire cutters and cleanly severs the plug from the electric wire of his computer, and then does the same thing to Wei Ying’s computer.

Fluffy WangXian OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora