The Language of Flowers Part 5

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Lan Zhan was anxious.

He was sitting to the side on the stone steps that led into the Lan Corporation building, butterflies fluttering in his stomach, and as the minutes passed by, those butterflies were resembling bats in his chest.

Wei Ying was going to be late.

From where Lan Zhan was sitting, he could see directly into the shop, and had chosen this prominent place so Wei Ying could see him too, which luckily, he had.

Wei Ying blew him a kiss and Lan Zhan blushed, unable to stop the tiny smile growing on his face. It disappeared when Jiang Cheng shoved Wei Ying out of irritation.

Lan Zhan was having a hard time not going over there and shoving him back, the only thing stopping him was Wei Ying’s feelings about his brother, and the fact that it was now past five and the Lotus Pier flower shop was still open.

Wei Ying had just shown him two thumbs up, and Lan Zhan was about to heave a sigh of relief, when one last annoying customer sneaked in.

The disappointment was real.

Wei Ying joined his palms as if praying, towards Lan Zhan and proceeded to show the woman dressed in furs, a variety of bouquets, but it seemed their last customer of the day was going to be a right royal pain in the buttercup.

Lan Zhan could see a frantic Wei Ying shoving her final choice into a special cone shaped bag for flowers, and leading her politely to the door whilst chatting amicably.

Once they were able to lock their door, everyone including a worried Lan Zhan breathed out a sigh of relief.

Seconds later, Wei Ying ran out with a bag in his hand, still wearing his day clothes, almost a carbon copy of the day Lan Zhan saw him for the first time. He was wearing faded jeans and his trademark black leather jacket with the studs, but a vivid red t-shirt this time that read "death to all idols"... there was even a picture of a zombie...

But Lan Zhan forgot everything as soon as Wei Ying was close enough, close enough to drown in those sparkling silver pools, and then when he leaned in to give him a kiss, Lan Zhan wanted to stay like that forever.

"I'm so sorry I'm late!" He turned around to wave at the departing Jiang Cheng and Wen Ning, before those wonderful brightly shining eyes were upon him once again. "Lan Zhan?" He waved a hand in front of his face.

Lan Zhan smiled and took his hand.

" there somewhere I can change?" Wei Ying asked him nervously.

"Wei Ying is perfect." Lan Zhan was smiling, but only Wei Ying could tell.

He blushed.

"Come on, Lan Zhan! I can't wear this!" He tugged on the red t-shirt. "This one will be sure to give your uncle a turn, if he sees me wearing this!"

Lan Zhan kissed his cheek.

"Uncle will love you also. Like I do."

Wei Ying whined and buried his hot face into Lan Zhan's neck.

"You can't say things like that out in the open."

Lan Zhan held him closer for a second, mindful of how late they were going to be but unable to stop himself from enjoying this moment. He'd had to miss their lunchtime meeting before, so they had last met at their designated time of five minutes past eleven. And the visit had had to be cut short because of Lan Zhan having to finish up minor details about the party.

"We're going to be late..." Wei Ying reminded him.

"Will not." Lan Zhan replied, adamantly. "I must also change."

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