The Gremlin, the IcePick and the Purple Grape...

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"Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom." Thomas Jefferson

(Although ironically this IS the last one...)


One fine day when cherry blossoms were floating all around them, and the warmth of the spring sun gladdened their hearts, Wei Ying, Lan Zhan and A-Yuan drove to their second home, the Lan Manor.

A-Yuan was sitting in the back of their sports car because Lan Zhan couldn't really give those up, but he knew he was an excellent driver and would never put his family in danger, besides the Mercedes chassis was one of the strongest out there. Lan Zhan checked on their four year old son who had a big smile on his face, because today, he was going to spend the day with his uncles and more importantly, his grandfather.

Lan Zhan had dressed him in their favourite bunny hoodie too, and his white fluffy ears stood proudly on his hood. There was even a little tail at the back, also very fluffy. Lan Zhan had been browsing online looking for an adult version of the same thing, and what he had found first was a birthday present for his Wei first glance, he was skeptical too, because just that couldn't be a whole costume, right? It was only when he imagined Wei Ying wearing it, that his ears had gone red and he'd ended up buying three. In different colours.

Bizarrely, and maybe because the theme was bunnies, he found much more innocent versions of a hoodie for their child and proceeded to buy them for up until A-Yuan was ten, fully confident that his boy would still be liking rabbits.

Right now, it never failed to bring home to him how lucky he was. As they drove down the avenue winding to the Manor, he brought Wei Ying's hand up to his lips and kissed his ring first, and then his soft, warm skin.

Feeling it tremble in his hand, he risked a glance over at Wei Ying, who was looking at him full of love. His gaze, and all the emotions in his starlight eyes were so obvious, and so much, Lan Zhan felt humbled.

"Love Wei Ying. Forever." They pulled up outside the fountain.

Wei Ying unclipped his seat belt in a flash and leaned over to kiss his cheek.

"Later...I'm going to show you exactly how much I love you." He promised, not a whisper of a joke on his features. He was completely serious.

Lan Zhan suppressed a shiver, his golden eyes alight with love.

"Baba! A-Dieeee! Come on!!" A-Yuan, used to this by now, knew it would go on forever without some prodding. "I wanna see Yeye!! Pwease!!!"

Yeye was actually coming down the long steps to their car already and A-Yuan once released from his confinement, bolted up them to meet his grandfather.

Lan Zhan stood with one arm wrapped around Wei Ying’s waist, proudly watching his uncle and their son meet for the first time this week.

When Uncle Qiren had met A-Yuan for the second time, for both of them, something had changed. Yeye as he told A-Yuan to call him, was suddenly less grumpy, and more prone to laughter, which both of his nephews found just plain weird.

A-Yuan loved to play with his whiskers, his infectious laughter making the older man happy. Many a time, either Lan Zhan or Wei Ying had walked in to find both just sitting together, not even talking. When they spent time together, they did a variety of things, including colouring, singing and story telling, which A-Yuan loved the most.

Today was Yeye's birthday, and they were holding a party for him that weekend, but it was the holidays and A-Yuan had already asked them three times this week when they were going to visit him again.

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