Epic Bonus Part 15

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"So many books, so little time." Anonymous

Wei Ying walked out of the hospital with a huge grin on his face, and when he saw Lan Zhan, wearing a white linen shirt with rolled up sleeves and tan trousers, dark glasses and his long hair tied up in a bun, the strands of a pale blue ribbon flying away with the wind, his smile only got bigger.

Wei Ying decided that when there was somebody this gorgeous waiting for him, how could he continue to walk at such a slovenly pace? So he ran all the way to Lan Zhan's car, which today was a pale blue Mercedes convertible with the top down.

Out of breath, face tinged with pink, and silver starlight eyes sparkling with anticipation, Lan Zhan thought he was the most gorgeous person he had ever seen. He tipped up Wei Ying's face and proceeded to show him exactly how much he had missed his fiancé.

"I will never get tired of kissing you, my love." Wei Ying declared, balancing the shades up on Lan Zhan's head. "But I love seeing your eyes...you make me feel alive."

"Mn...but Wei Ying's eyes are the best." If it was possible, Lan Zhan was looking at him in a predatory way, with more intensity.

"That's...you're just using Papapa as an excuse now...and don't bother to deny it." Wei Ying waggled his finger at Lan Zhan, who huffed out a laugh.

"Does Wei Ying think painting his gorgeous eyes is my only excuse for Papapa?" It was golden eyes which now sparkled mischievously.

Lan Zhan couldn't help it though...that final moment, when they were together like that, when Wei Ying opened his eyes, Lan Zhan could always, always, see something more in them, a galaxy of stars and light. Was it his fault if he noticed something new every single time? He didn't think so.

It was always best to be thorough when doing research...he thought.

"How many pairs have you painted up till now, then?" Wei Ying asked, his beautiful eyes laughing, crinkling at the edges.

"Not enough." It was said in a tone signalling the end of that conversation.

"Did Shijie pick up A-Yuan?" Wei Ying asked, sighing dreamily up at him.

"Yes, will drop him off tomorrow morning. But..." Lan Zhan replaced his sunglasses. He took Wei Ying's hand and walked him to his side of the car, and opened the door for him.

"But? But?? BUT??? BUT WHAT??"

Lan Zhan smirked and closed the door on him. In the seconds it took him to reach his side, Wei Ying was pouting with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

And refusing to look at him.

"Wei Ying?"

It took all of Wei Ying's self control not to shiver at his tone. He remembered last night, when they'd had an in depth discussion about how much Lan Zhan's voice turned him on...granted, he was tied up at the time...and Lan Zhan was nothing if not persistent in conducting his experiments thoroughly...

So Wei Ying resolutely stared outside to his right.

Lan Zhan reached for his hand...they had taken to driving like this whenever they could, and Lan Zhan was going to hate it if Wei Ying remained upset with him...

So before he started the car, he undid his seat belt and leaned across to kiss Wei Ying's cheek, surprising the younger one.

"I'm sorry. Did not mean to make Wei Ying mad." He sounded terribly sincere and contrite.

"How sorry?" Wei Ying asked, shamelessly.

"Two kisses." Lan Zhan promised.

"Three and cooking duty tonight." Wei Ying demanded. He actually loved cooking, but Lan Zhan had to suffer every single time, and so if he wanted him to eat properly, then it would have to be like that.

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