Angel of Death Part 3

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The Lord and Master of The Universe had a big problem.

And its name was Wei Ying.

He looked at the Angel of Death with some degree of thoughtfulness, wondering what to do, now that he had the full story, because while mistakes were made, when it came down to it, everything had happened sort of automatically.

As if it were meant to.

He had checked, and the child, Lan Zhan's Soul seemed to be alright, if anything, he was growing up to be even more diligent and perfect, a great example to his peers. So much so, that L&M thought he might even go on to cultivate immortality. The child had taken his words to heart and seemed to be genuinely looking for a solution or a way to help this Angel, Wei Ying, who was standing before him now.

"I need your help." He admitted, too reluctantly. He was never going to hear the end of this...

"This one is ready. What would you like me to do?"

Wei Ying was just returned from the first levels of Hell, where he had been teaching new little demons their jobs, how to trap Souls, how to punish the bad ones and how to give hope to the ones willing to change. It was a rewarding job, and he felt like it wasn't really a punishment either. But if he had a complaint, it would be that he was not allowed to leave. Unaware of the restrictions placed upon him, he had unwittingly walked into a forcefield of electric whips, rendering his back into a map of pain.

Someone should have said...really.

He had only been trying to leave because the promise he had made to young Lan Zhan was weighing on his mind and now, whenever he had a spare moment or time to let his thoughts wander, it always seemed to drift back to the little boy and the promise Wei Ying had made, that he would go back and show him that he was okay.

Wei Ying wasn't sure how much time had passed by, or how old Lan Zhan would be nowadays, but he was certain the baby had turned into a little heartbreaker. He would remember the seriousness of the baby's expression, one so young having to experience such hardships, and yet his innocent approach to it all had been such a surprise. He hoped with all of his heart that Lan Zhan had forgotten their encounter and why it had happened, even though this made him incredibly sad.

It would have been nice to be remembered.

The Lord and Master of The Universe was actually quite happy with Wei Ying's progress. That encounter with the Little Lan had unfreezed his heart, and with every step, Wei Ying was flourishing. But L&M got the feeling he was waiting for something. Thirteen years was a long time to hold a wish inside your heart, to keep it alive.

So his original intention for Wei Ying to return to himself was already coming true, and if he was honest, Wei Ying had repented enough. L&M was going to grant him his freedom, provided he fulfill one last quest.

"So...there's a beast..."


Lan Zhan was approaching his twentieth birthday.

He was not looking forward to it.

There was a knock in the door of the Jingshi and he suppressed a sigh.

It was his Xiongzhang.

XiChen was the only one who came to visit him here...or anywhere.

Lan Zhan rose to open the door, bowing his greeting.

But today, XiChen was looking...excited.

"Happy birthday, Didi."

"Thank you, Xiongzhang."

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