A Stitch in Time Part 4

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There was no way Lan Zhan was leaving Wei Ying now...except...what if he wasn't single any more...?

It was this thought alone that kept his arms by his sides as he figured out how to ask. This one question had been festering like an infected wound, slowly becoming more painful until it was physically burning him in his chest.

Wei Ying was still watching him nervously.

"Is Wei Ying...does Wei Ying..." He couldn't quite ask the full question.

That one word was getting in the way, the one that began with a 'B'.

Wei Ying came closer, sensing his discomfort.


"Boyfriend or...girlfriend?" He then realised that he didn't actually know his preferences.

When they dressed their models in the past, Wei Ying had shown no interest in anyone, treating them all alike, with respect and care. His professionalism was incomparable, making sure nobody felt uncomfortable with the way he measured bodies.

Wei Ying laughed awkwardly.

"Are you trying to ask me if I'm single?"

"Mn." He tried not to look too hopeful.

Wei Ying thought about leading him on, after all, this was a priceless opportunity...but Lan Zhan had already cried twice now, and his patience levels weren't what they used to be. So he decided to be honest.

"No. I don't have anyone." He admitted.


"Huh?" Wei Ying just had time to look up before he was engulfed in a bear hug.

Their bodies fit so well together, Lan Zhan could tuck Wei Ying's head just under his chin, holding him so close, he could feel his heart beating. Just the regularity of it soothed his tormented emotions.

"Will Wei Ying accept me as his boyfriend?"

Wei Ying was silent, thinking.

Maybe he waited too long before answering, because Lan Zhan leaned back to look into his eyes.


"I'm...I'm not saying no..." He began by saying, trying to find the words that would hurt him the least.

"Then?" Disappointment changed into hope. His golden eyes waited eagerly for more.

"Don't you think we should check our situation first?" Wei Ying tried to push away the feelings of elation...he wanted this, more than anything but there was no way he was going to hurt Lan Zhan now, or even be the reason Lan Zhan could be hurt.

"What situation?" Lan Zhan was looking at him blankly.

"As far as your uncle is concerned, I'm guilty of leaking his designs. That's problem number one. Number two is, he said he was going to stop me working in New York. If he finds out I'm still sewing clothes for Wen Qing, what do you think he's going to do? To Wen Qing and Wen Ning? This fabric shop has been her dream, ever since she was a little girl. We have to protect them as well. It's not as simple as me saying yes, and us riding off into the sunset. Do you see?"


"No?" Wei Ying shook his head. "Lan Zhan...it's not just about us any more."

"It is. Uncle will never know. Does not concern him any way." A dangerous look came into his golden eyes.

"But Lan Zhan...I couldn't bear it if something happened to you! Don't you see?" Frustration led a tear to escape from his eye.

Lan Zhan wiped it away gently.

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