Dare to Love Part 1

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Nie Huaisang stepped back to admire his work, fanning himself proudly. His palm lifted towards an equally proud and smug looking Jiang Cheng, who high fived him while trying to keep a straight face.

Really and truly.

Wei Ying looked in the full length mirror, astounded at how so little make up could transform his high cheek bones and full lips into someone resembling a girl...but even he had to admit, he looked beautiful.

"I'd say you have real talent, Nie-Xiong but we both know your head will only get bigger." He complimented, blushing at himself.

"Ah, but the real trick is convincing anyone else that you're a pretty handmaiden. It's part of the dare. Two points if you're actually able to secure a kiss from a beau." Huaisang fanned himself harder, grinning like a fool.

Wei Ying whirled around in a huff, his cheeks even darker than the rouge they had applied.

"You've got to be kidding me! There's no way I'm kissing anyone, and to hell with letting anybody else kiss me!"

"Do I hear a chicken around here?" Jiang Cheng, obnoxious little brother he was being, held a hand to ear, pretending he actually could. "Book, book, book..."

"I'm no chicken!" Wei Ying yelled.

"Prove it!" They both shouted back.

"Fine, but not on the lips. I'm saving that for my one true love. Please!" He didn't quite know why he felt like crying all of a sudden.

Again, he looked at himself, dressed in his adopted sister YanLi's lilac robes, his own clothes stashed in a qiankun pouch...just in case.

"This is very important - don't get caught!" Jiang Cheng told him.

"The Lans will take it as an insult of the highest standing if they catch you!" Huaisang dragged a finger across his neck to reiterate how dangerous it was.

But the thing was, the Lan kingdom was full of hoity toity cultivators with sticks up their backsides. To call them posh was an understatement, and when Nie Huaisang had remarked in jest that someone should dress up as a girl just to mess with them, Jiang Cheng had joined in and all of a sudden, it had turned into a dare.

Wei Ying still didn't know how come he was on the receiving end...

And then...it snowballed into this: the Lans were hosting a Matchmakers Ball, where the Twin Jades of Gusu would be introduced to other cultivation Sect heirs from the five kingdoms and at the end of the five day event, traditionally, they would choose someone from the attendees. The focus was on the elder Lan because he was past the age of twenty and should by rights, already be married, but for one reason or another, he still hadn't found his match.

Perhaps this was the reason why rumours were spread saying he was too proud, couldn't really decide who to marry, and didn't really like anyone...and so that had been the basis for the dare.

Wei Ying considered himself a brave man. Newly turned eighteen, he never stepped back from a challenge and he wasn't about to start now.

"You do realise that I'll have to come back at ten for the formalities. ShenShen Yu won't like it if I'm late. And obviously, I can't come back looking like this!" He held out the feminine hanfu like a dress.

"You better not ruin A-Jie's robes either, or we'll have to explain what happened!" Jiang Cheng warned.

"What name are you going to go by?" Nie Huaisang asked, suddenly interested.

"I dunno...wish me luck!" Wei Ying put on the bamboo hat with the black veil, allowing him to see but obscuring his own features. He walked to the window and was about to climb out when Jiang Cheng grabbed his arm.

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