The Dating Game Epilogue

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Lan WangJi waited outside the place Wei Ying should be coming out from, leaning against his car. His shades rested upon his nose and gave him a sense of anonymity which he preferred, but of course whenever Wei Ying joined him they were both stared at copiously.

He didn't mind so much if it happened when Wei Ying was around because he couldn't help himself either, as one of the many guilty people shamelessly checking out his boyfriend, he could understand the attention.

But today, Wei Ying was late.

And was being cryptic.

He had sent an apologetic emoji and told Lan Zhan he was coming "soon"...

Ever since Meng Yao had been fired nearly a year ago, things had changed for Wei Ying drastically. Firstly, in a hearing his testimonial had to be aired which resulted in the termination of employment for his supervisor, but then in a surprise move, it was Wei Ying himself who was given the promotion.

Wei Ying used his newfound powers to improve productivity by completely revamping his office level into one which caused much envy; by installing a time out creativity centre which had the best computer games and activities. He also insisted on taking out his team once a month for fun, team-building exercises and this created a more harmonious place which in turn, made for happier employees.

After this breakthrough, a publishing house had contacted him about writing a book on his success, which Lan WangJi had helped him edit and put together, and that book was currently number one on the nonfiction chart of bestsellers.

For Lan Zhan, he had been made a leading executive in his field and his wages had several additional figures which allowed both of them some much needed time together. Now their work day was a maximum of seven hours and a lunch break which they always spent together, sometimes with Huaisang and Jiang Cheng, sometimes with XiChen.

All in all, it was a very exciting time for both of them.

But Lan Zhan thought there was one thing missing, and he was deep in thought when Wei Ying stumbled out of the revolving doors of his office building.

"Lan Zhan...!" Wei Ying panted, clearly struggling with the heavy box in his arms.

Lan Zhan strode away from his perch and walked towards him, puzzled as to what his boyfriend might be carrying. That word still gave him a secret thrill, just to think it.

He effortlessly took the box with one hand while catching Wei Ying with his free hand around his neck, pulling him in for a deep kiss in greeting.

"How was work?" Lan Zhan asked him against his lips.

"Boring because you weren't there..." Wei Ying whined, biting his lip gently and then sucking on it.

Lan Zhan growled.

"But my love, wait...I have something to tell you." Wei Ying looked at him anxiously.

"What?" Lan Zhan paused, ready to pull him towards his car too.

"So you know Mianmian?"

Lan Zhan nodded.

"Well, the thing is, she owns rabbits...lots of them, and apparently that's to be expected because once you have, well, they're very active...and they like doing papapa...and you know, if they keep doing're bound to have kids, right?" Wei Ying wasn't stopping to breathe, suddenly very anxious. "And now her partner is getting fed up with how much she and her have to clean up after forty rabbits, and the last litter, so she said could we-please-take-two-off-her-hands-and-she'll-be-eternally-grateful-and-I-said-yes-I-hope-you-don't-mind...?"

Fluffy WangXian Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें