Dreams and Hopes Part 1

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"Hope is a waking dream" Aristotle.

Married life was a wonder and a delight, Wei Ying decided. Lan Zhan was a thoughtful husband who somehow always knew what Wei Ying needed, and for himself, it seemed Lan Zhan only wanted Wei Ying.

But there were times when he thought Lan Zhan looked pensive, or deep in thought, and from the slight frown on his face, Wei Ying was worried about what it could be. At such times, he ventured to ask, but Lan Zhan resorted to other means and talk was forgotten.

So Lan Zhan didn't want to talk about it, then.

Which was a shame, because otherwise, how could Wei Ying help him? Lan Zhan was famously tight-lipped about things he thought were not worth mentioning, but Wei Ying was still fascinated about everything to do with his husband, and this was one mystery he knew how to solve easily.

With drink.

Sober Lan Zhan was silent; drunk Lan WangJi was most definitely not.

That night, Wei Ying put his plan into action. With four bottles of Emperor's Smile on the table, he waited for his husband to come home, and he didn't have long to wait. He was sitting at their table in the Jingshi watching the door, when it opened and Lan Zhan walked in.

The epitome of perfection, Wei Ying saw him enter, an expectant smile on his face, which only grew more when his eyes rested upon Wei Ying. To anyone else, there was hardly any change upon that ivory face, but Wei Ying had learned to read him well by now.

He stood, observing the laid out contents on the table first, before his gaze moved to Wei Ying, and his expression softened immeasurably. His black hair impeccably styled in Lan Sect way with a silver headpiece, his white robes starched and stiff, hiding the wonderful soul who resided in that body.

Wei Ying sighed.

He waited as Lan Zhan settled next to him with an unconscious flourish as his robes were adjusted before he sat down, and Wei Ying beamed at him, delighting in the fact that Lan Zhan always conducted himself like a Prince, and it was totally unintentional.

He made an entrance even without trying.

So, a little humbled, Wei Ying stared at him, watching those alluring golden irises scan him from head to toe, noting the way Wei Ying was lounging rather than actually sitting.

"What are we celebrating?" Lan Zhan finally asked him, having exhausted every avenue of thought in wondering what it could be.

"Oh...no reason. I just wanted some company while I drink, and who better than my husband?" Wei Ying sat up and poured out the wine into two cups.

"Mn. It will be short company." Lan Zhan added truthfully.

They both knew his capacity for alcohol was almost non-existent.

"Doesn't matter, Lan Zhan. It's the taking part that counts. Now, bottoms up."

They both picked up their cups and emptied them. Wei Ying crawled over to Lan Zhan's lap and made himself comfortable, although there wasn't much time...he had begun to count down in his head and was just in time to be the soft landing Lan Zhan needed.

While he was passed out, Wei Ying finished off another couple of jars, reminding himself why he had started this in the first place.

Thirty seconds later, a bleary-eyed husband woke up, giving him a silly smile when he saw him.

This was questions-and-answers time, and Wei Ying was going to take full advantage of it.

"Lan Zhan....has anything been bothering you these last few weeks?" Wei Ying asked, jumping straight in.

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