Singapore Part 1

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Wei Ying was rocking on his heels anxiously waiting outside his apartment block for Lan Zhan to come and pick him up.

They were part of the group that was awarded a four day holiday in Singapore for winning a global competition for their company, and they were going to celebrate in style.

The flight was only going to last a few hours, but Wei Ying had finally decided: he was going to make his move on Lan Zhan...finally going to confess.

Even now, he was getting jittery with anticipation, wondering what Lan Zhan would surprised he was going to be!

Wei Ying had been in charge of booking the seats and it had only taken a few sighs for Lan Zhan to ask him what was the matter...and then he had mentioned not being sure if he could manage his luggage and getting to the airport on time...

Of course, Lan Zhan being the best perhaps possible boyfriend, had immediately agreed to pick him up via taxi and hence his current situation.

But...Lan Zhan was late.

Which was odd, since Lan Zhan was never late...

Wei Ying was looking up and down his taxi yet...

Should he call Lan Zhan? Or message? Or would that be too...what? Too forward? Maybe Lan Zhan would be okay about it...maybe he was already on his way...

The honk of a car had him turning around to spot the familiar car logo; and he could barely hear his own thoughts over his internal screaming...Lan Zhan was here...

Lan Zhan was here!

Lan Zhan was HERE!!!

While Wei Ying was trying to cope with his mini freak out, the hottest guy on the planet stepped out of the taxi and came towards him. Lan Zhan was wearing his long hair up in a bun, a white linen shirt and khaki shorts but the long kind, the ones that said smart but casual...and dark sunglasses...there was a flash of silver at his throat but Wei Ying was far too busy drooling at his forearms...

He had first noticed them whenever Lan Zhan was by the photocopier. They had an old but reliable model, one that required the lid to be lifted before the cartridges could be changed, and ever since Wei Ying had seen Lan Zhan do it once, he had become shamelessly addicted.

The way those muscles flexed and bunched under his golden skin...Wei Ying was mesmerised. He seemed to lose any cognitive thoughts whenever Lan Zhan rolled up his sleeves and got to work. The way he was so was making Wei Ying a drooly puddle on the sidewalk just thinking about it.

So what if he had to put aside a little extra money in the stationary department because ink cartridges cost a lot...but it was worth it for the eye candy. Like an ice cream on a hot sunny day, his Lan Zhan was a walking talking popsicle...

"....don't mind, and she's in the back." Lan Zhan was saying.

Wei Ying was too busy admiring his back muscles as he lifted Wei Ying's suitcase to stow it in the boot of the taxi. The way his shirt rode up, revealing an inch of bare golden skin, just above the hemline of his shorts...Wei Ying wondered what it would taste like...just a small kiss...

"You didn't hear anything I said, did you?" Lan Zhan smirked at him.

Wei Ying blushed because it was true.

"It's too hot to pay attention!" He whined.

But as he bent to sit in the back, imagining all the ways he could sidle up to Lan Zhan on a pretense sans seat belt...he was shocked to see Mianmian there, grinning awkwardly back at him.

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