Stressed is Just Desserts...Part 3

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Wei Ying stared at his sister in disbelief.

"Please, A-Xian, you know, A-Cheng can't go because of his foot, and that was partly your fault...I don't have anyone else I can ask, and besides, you'll get back in plenty of time before you start work at nine, right? XiChen said someone will be there to collect, so you don't have to worry. Just make your way up to the sixtieth floor. Thank you so much." Jiang YanLi said all that in one breath and pushed him out of her shop,  his arms laden with wonderful smelling food.

And she locked the door, smiling.

And she waved too, before turning around and waltzing off to the back.

Wei Ying glared at the door because he would never be glaring at his sister like that...

He turned around and glared at his bike too, wishing it could go and deliver this order by itself...because he had to get there for seven and there was only a few minutes left. 

He carefully packed everything inside the basket at the front and got on, hoping he remembered how to ride it.

Honestly, if she wasn't his beloved sister, and if she wasn't pregnant, he would never have gotten up this early. But Jiang YanLi had come upstairs to his apartment and knocked on the door, shouting that it was an emergency, and what kind of brother was he, if he didn't immediately go and see what it was?

What was worse, was that it was an indefinite job. No one said when he would have to stop getting to the Lan Corporation building at an ungodly hour...

He swallowed the remainder of his chocolate doughnut, wiping his hands on the front of his hoodie. It was a bit cold this morning...was it going to be this cold every morning? He wasn't usually up this early, and he wished he didn't have to find out.

Then he set off, and it wasn't long before he figured out why the bike was a godsend, because the moment he hit traffic, he understood. It was chock-a-block with nose to tail cars and vans and horns. He grimaced and navigated his way through all that to park his bike next to metal poles cemented into the ground for this very purpose. He padlocked the bike and gingerly took out the contents, hoping they were still intact.

Then he looked up.

The skyscraper was easily over a hundred floors, and it was lucky his sister knew where he had to get off. It was already a daunting thing, what he had to do. Plus a small part of him felt guilty because he had yet to call the delicious looking Lan Zhan who had visited their store the day before yesterday.

Still, he was glad that these people had enjoyed his sister's baking to the point of placing a standing order. After all, the likelihood of meeting the source of his fantasy was higher suspect, especially in a building of this magnitude. There was no way he would be bumping into someone as delectable as Lan Zhan this early in the morning.

So he straightened his shoulders, and gave himself a mini pep talk before striding boldly towards the huge glass doors.

But when he approached the burly security guy, he was given a pass and told to proceed towards the elevators, and he even offered one of his staff to accompany him, which Wei Ying thought was just lovely of them. So he manned up and beamed at them, and pretended he did this sort of thing all the time. He made his way to the elevator and pressed the right buttons, only relaxing when he was on his way to the sixtieth floor.

Most of the job was done already, now he just had to find someone to hand these over-

The doors opened, and who should be standing there, but Lan WangJi himself.

Wei Ying panicked and closed the doors.

His heart rate went through the roof, noting the way those golden eyes had looked shocked upon seeing him there. And now he had just made a fool of himself.

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