The Language of Flowers Part 6

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XiChen made his way through the crowd to a fumbling Wei Ying, not at all prepared to take on the weight of the Lan currently leaning on him.

"You didn't let him drink, did you?" XiChen asked him, frantically.

"What? No, not exactly...only a sip! Maybe two...I don't know! Why?" Wei Ying grabbed Lan Zhan's waist in an awkward attempt to hold him upright.

"My brother has a low tolerance for alcohol, he is deeply affected by it. He never drinks!" XiChen gave him an accusatory look.

"I swear, I did not know!" Wei Ying declared, wondering why he was just standing there and not helping.

"But you and he have been spending so much time together...I just thought you would have talked about such things." XiChen looked a little bit worried now.

"Well, of course we talk about everything, but it's the most random stuff. He never said a word, I promise you. And what do I do now?" Wei Ying was starting to flip out internally. On the one hand, he hadn't actually lied to XiChen-ge, but the time he and Lan Zhan spent actually talking was kind of equal to the time they spent kissing, and making out, because once they had discovered how mutually pleasurable it was, it became difficult to keep their hands off each other.

Plus, that was not the kind of thing one confided in the brother of the one you were was a thing, and Wei Ying knew at least that much.

"I cannot leave the party, because Uncle will know something is up if we are both not here. Can you please take him back upstairs?" XiChen handed him the special key card, a replica of the one Lan Zhan actually used before. "I'll make his excuses, and make sure Uncle does not suspect anything."

Wei Ying felt terrible now, as he took the keycard and made for the elevators. Had he gotten Lan Zhan into worse trouble? It would be a shame if he had, because he was honestly trying to help. Their Uncle was already upset with Lan Zhan for being late, and if he ever found out why Lan Zhan had ditched the event, then lectures might not be all in the way of punishment.

Just navigating out of the massive ballroom was a job in itself, and Wei Ying had to fight his way through. A terribly fat man stood in his way by the double doors.

"I'm Yao...what's wrong with him?" He sneered, staring at Lan Zhan.

Wei Ying was filled with a protective instinct, and he muttered something incoherently before 'accidentally' stepping on his foot hard, while walking away.

Lan Zhan was lighter on his feet, the further they went from the source of his discomfort. By the time they reached the elevators, he was standing on his own, something Wei Ying was happy about, given that there were cameras installed.

"Lan Zhan? Are you okay? How are you feeling?" Wei Ying reached for his hand.

With his free hand, he placed his cool fingers against the other's temple, just checking his temperature, but everything seemed normal. This lift was not the gentlest in moving upwards, and after Wei Ying had gotten it to move, he was flung into Lan Zhan's protective arms as it jerked into life.

Lan Zhan held him tighter, genuinely smiling for the first time that evening. He took Wei Ying’s breath away...

Lan Zhan was trying (and failing) to count how many lashes Wei Ying had, on his beautiful face, framing those beguiling silver eyes. So much love shone back at him, that Lan Zhan felt overwhelmed...

This feeling continued as they entered the apartment and just before Wei Ying could lead him to his bedroom, Lan Zhan took control and forced him towards the kitchen.

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