A Note

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Dear Lovely readers,

As you know, I have a long history of not being able to know myself.

I can't seem to stop writing and my ideas get longer and longer and before I know it, it's practically a book.

The Vampire Series, Wild Creatures has its own book now and I hope you guys will continue to read it over there....

I feel bad for my unorganized state but maybe this is how it's supposed to be, but I can thank you for your continued support and encouragement.

Thank you for reaching out to me and letting me know what you think.

I'll leave the chapters here for now and delete them later.

Love you all,


P. S.

Leaving the first chapter here as a teaser, if you want to find the rest of the story, it looks like this:

Leaving the first chapter here as a teaser, if you want to find the rest of the story, it looks like this:

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Please enjoy and thank you so much for reading!!

Fluffy WangXian OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now