Dare to Love Extra

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As events go, this was one was quite successful, XiChen thought to himself as he made his rounds. This year, although he hadn't actually found anyone in this Matchmakers Ball to rouse his interest romantically, he found the whole exercise to be professionally stimulating.

To be a leader meant to be diplomatic above all other qualities; it was no good being friendly and charming if one's foot was constantly embedded within one's mouth.

Right now, he was watching a young man, Wen Chao ogling the chest of his companion while his left hand was dangerously close to her left bosom, and she was turned so that her body was perfectly aligned with his, and her hand lay possessively upon his chest.

This made XiChen curious, especially as when his young lady friend left him for refreshments, he was quite unabashedly looking at other women with lascivious intent. And however distasteful this scene was, XiChen felt sorry for the woman who had just left Wen Chao. Perhaps, he hoped a few choice words may invoke pleasant changes, and so he made his way to where Wen Chao stood.

"Are you having a good time, Young Master?" XiChen inquired politely.

Wen Chao turned with a nasty sneer upon his face as if he wondered who dared talk to him so suddenly. Of course, that changed as soon as he saw the white royal robes of the Gusu Lan Sect, and he smiled the most plastic smile XiChen had ever seen.

"Yes, it's alright." He drawled.

"As long as you are already with a partner, it begs the question, why would you waste your time here?" XiChen prodded, with a genuine smile on his lips. Sure, it was one of disbelief, but that didn't make his a fake one.

"No harm in looking..." Wen Chao guffawed.

XiChen was reminded of a pack animal. He even had the teeth...

Wang Lingjiao chose that moment to return and draped herself all over him again, seeing as Wen Chao was talking to an obviously prominent person.

"Still, I would hope one treats all people as one would hope to be treated themselves." XiChen continued, but as Wen Chao's eyes were beginning to glaze over, he thought his words might have been a tad too complicated.

The couple smiled at him and drifted away.

"I wouldn't waste my time with those two." An interestingly deep voice said, right next to XiChen.

He looked up into the most intense amethyst eyes, sparkling with amusement right now.

"Why? Don't you believe one should be faithful if one is already attached?" XiChen asked, wondering why his heart was beating a little faster.

His purple robes indicated he was Jiang WanYin of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect, and he took XiChen's shoulders, turning him so he could see Wang Lingjiao fake laugh at another gentleman's joke, while simultaneously plucking a glass from the hand of another.

"That's the trouble with counterfeit diamonds. They're flashy and nice to look at, but that's all there is. And both of them deserve each other."

Jiang WanYin was standing so close to him, and the intimate way he was holding XiChen's shoulders had him flush up against the rock hard body. There wasn't much height difference either, so when Jiang WanYin spoke, it was a hot whisper directly in his ear.

XiChen suppressed an involuntary moan, but he could feel his ears heat up. Who knew the Jiang Sect heir could be so...hot?

Wanting to prolong their conversation, XiChen smiled at him instead.

"You didn't answer my question."

"I know." With a rakish smirk, Jiang WanYin walked off.

XiChen watched him go with a strange pang in his chest, and an inkling of what it could be.

Fluffy WangXian Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें