Smoke And Mirrors

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Lan XiChen sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Lan Zhan glowered.

"You could have said it nicely." XiChen continues.

Lan Zhan pointedly looked at his watch.

They were trying to sort out the latest ruckus caused by yet another interview gone wrong, and of course, tempers flared. The only reason Lan Zhan hadn't had a couple of teeth knocked out, was fast reflexes, but luck could only get him so far.

"I don't get it. I only left to check on the car…it wasn't even five minutes!"

"Mn. Four minutes and thirty three seconds."

"Didi…please. We can't keep doing this. So…"

Lan Zhan looked up at the change of tone.

"...I've hired him. Wei WuXian, image consultant. He's going to be here in exactly five minutes, and I want you to be nice to him. Just listen to what he has to say."

Lan Zhan glared at him.

"I don't need an image consultant."

Lan Zhan sounded stubborn…not a good sign. XiChen had to get him on board before -

There was a knock on the door of his office, and then the brightest light in the Universe walked in.

Lan Zhan had never seen anyone quite like this stranger before. He oozed confidence and charm, but in a fun way. His hair was piled on top of his head in a messy bun, tied with a red scrunchie, and apparently defying the laws of gravity by staying intact.

It was nothing short of a miracle when the head it was precariously balanced upon belonged to a most vivacious character. The man practically bounced in, full of enthusiasm and cheerfulness.

Lan Zhan really wanted to hate him.

But he was too beautiful. Not just his gorgeous silver eyes, (and who the heck winked so flirtatiously at the first meeting?) but his entire self was one package of a stunning temptation.

He simply glowed.

He was the light, the flame into which moths threw themselves in, to their glorious deaths.

Lan Zhan wasn't going to be a moth.

Absolutely not.

"So I'll leave you two alone to get to know each other!" XiChen, the conniving little weasel made the hastiest exit known to man.

While Lan Zhan was not-ogling the sharply dressed suited man, his brother had greeted, introduced, and chatted briefly to this outsider, and now pissed off somewhere, tossing Lan Zhan to the wolf.

Lan Zhan got the impression that this was a dangerous man, and that thought invoked a shiver he was powerless to suppress.

This guy was dressed to kill.

His black suit was ruthlessly cut, tailored to fit him like a second skin. He had foregone wearing a tie and instead, the top two buttons of his scarlet shirt gaped open revealing his collarbone. The sun-kissed skin dipped into tantalising hollows where it looked soft enough to bite. And he was wearing heels.

Not women's heels, absolutely not. These were black diamond encrusted boots, like a smart cowboy.

An image flashed in Lan Zhan’s head of a Wei WuXian….surrendering to him…wearing those goddamn killer boots….

Only the boots…

"Hello! I'm Wei WuXian. But since we're gonna be close, Gege, I think you can call me Wei Ying."

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